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Feminist Edge: Professional Development Programme for Gender Trainers

Course event

The UN Women Training Centre and Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) of the Netherlands are launching the latest edition of their Professional Development Programme for Gender Trainers. Called "Feminist Edge", the programme offers professional development that re-captures and re-imagines gender training as a feminist project. It repositions training for gender equality as a strategy to challenge and engender mainstream development and support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The programme addresses the need to (re)claim autonomous spaces for feminist knowledge production and challenges development policy makers and practitioners to re-think how to address social and gender inequity to ensure that “no one is left behind.” Feminist Edge focuses both on the practice of gender training and on its conceptual underpinnings.

The 6-month certificate course will run from 12 February to 9 August 2024 and the deadline for applications is 1 June 2023. 

Learn more and sign up here
