Sunday, 10 November 2024, 7:08 AM
Site: UN Women Training Centre eLearning Campus
Course: UN Women Training Centre eLearning Campus (Home)
Glossary: Upcoming Courses

Gender Equality at Local Level in Latin America and the Caribbean


4 April - 3 June 2016

The course aims to improve participants’ understanding about the importance of human rights and gender equality in democratic local governance and inclusive development. Participants will be able to identify strategies that are adapted for their local context to promote gender equality in local development.

For more information click here.

Gender Equality, UN Coherence and You


This e-learning course has been developed to build organizational capacity towards attaining results in promoting gender equality. The main aim of the course is to establish a minimum standard for an introductory orientation on gender equality and UN system coherence. 

To access the course click here

Gender in Humanitarian Action: Different Needs – Equal Opportunities

English / French / Spanish

To provide introductory guidance – through information and practical examples - on the fundamentals of applying a gender-equality approach to humanitarian programming.

Click here to access the course.