News from the Campus

Registration Open for Course Gender Equality at the local level in Latin America and the Caribbean

18 January 2016

Inequalities between women and men and the increase in violence against women sets great challenges for local democratic rights-based management. It is essential to link human rights, gender equality, and public policies to strengthen local democracy and local development.

This course aims to improve participants’ understanding about the importance of human rights and gender equality in democratic local governance and inclusive development. Participants will be able to identify strategies that are adapted for their local context to promote gender equality in local development.

The course is focused on Latin America and the Caribbean. It is composed of four modules:

  1. Gender equality in Latin America and the Caribbean: Conceptual and normative framework and regional context
  2. Democratic governance and gender responsive local development
  3. Policies and gender equality at the local level
  4. Sustainability of gender responsive policies at the local level

The course will be moderated by a regional expert, and will integrate several didactic elements as: papers, recorded webconferences, forums, exercises, bibliography and webography.

The course is geared towards local authorities and elected women, members of associations of local governments and of elected women at local level, technical staff of local governments and development organizations. This tool can also be of interest for regional and central authorities linked to the local governments, community leaders, members of women’ s organizations, and UN Staff.

See course infographic (in Spanish) for information about dates and how to apply

Click here to register for the course.