Knowledge of economics contributes greatly to understanding and addressing development issues with a gender perspective. This is why the UN Women Training Centre developed a course on gender and Economics, piloted in 2017. Today we gladly announce the opening of registration to this training for all UN Women Staff.

The face-to-face modality course will take place from June 25 to 29, at the ITC-ILO Training Centre in Turin (Italy), and it is the product of the partnership between the Economic Empowerment Section, UN Women Training Centre and UN Women regional economic advisors from Asia Pacific and East Central Africa.
The course has 9 distinct training modules, including ones focused on unpaid care work, employment, decent work, and social protection, public finance, and trade. While a development practitioner may lack formal training in the discipline of economics, familiarity with its analytical framework and knowledge about ongoing policy debates improve the ability to understand the local context. Thus, the Gender and Economics training seeks to strengthen UN Women´s knowledge in gender and economics to :
- Introduce the participants to feminist economics in general and feminist approaches to macroeconomics, microeconomics and international economics
- Expose participants to critical analyses of global and regional economic trends, including those related to economic crises
- Enhance the skills of participants in formulating gender-responsive economic policy for programme implementation, policy making, and policy advocacy, and
- Strengthen the capacity of participants to connect with and network with other development practitioners
All potential attendees are expected to meet the following selection criteria:
Demonstrated knowledge of economics
Commitment to attend all five days of the face-to-face training (25 to 29 June).
Register following this link before 6 May 2018.