The UN Women Training Centre will host its 12th Virtual Dialogue in June 2018 on “Men, Masculinities and Training for Gender Equality” (click here to download the concept note). This three-week online discussion and accompanying a live Webinar (12 June 2018) are a unique opportunity for participatory reflection on what we mean masculinities; why it is important to engage men in training for gender equality; and how can their engagement be facilitated through transformative training.

As we move to mark the 4th anniversary of UN Women’s HeForShe campaign on the 20 of June 2018, it is an opportune moment to take stock of why and how we can engage men and boys to act as agents of change, including by addressing masculinities through training for gender equality. As the UN Women Training Centre’s new Self-Paced Training Course on Masculinities makes clear, “masculinities” denotes the “gendered roles, behaviours and attributes that are associated with maleness and considered appropriate for men”.
Virtual Dialogues are online discussions that promote debate, exchange of good practices, ideas and information on training for gender equality. Their overall aim is to support the development of effective, inclusive processes of collective knowledge production with the end goal of improving the quality and impact of training for gender equality, while highlighting its transformative potential. They respond to the interests, needs and motivations of UN Women Community of Practice in Training for Gender Equality (CoP), an open forum for discussion for gender experts and practitioners, as well as a place to exchange resources, institutions and training opportunities related to training for gender equality.
You can participate in this Virtual Dialogue in two ways – by participating in the live panel discussion during the Webinar on Tuesday 12 of June, and/or by contributing to the open discussion forum on the CoP platform. The discussion forum will be open between from 6 to 20 of June, 2018.
The UN Women Training Centre also has videos available on its YouTube channel of the past virtual dialogues. Click here for the complete list and links.