Friday, 14 February 2025, 12:50 PM
Site: UN Women Training Centre eLearning Campus
Course: UN Women Training Centre eLearning Campus (Home)
Glossary: Upcoming Courses

Empowering UN System Gender Focal Points


2 - 20 May (Online) / 23 - 27 May (Face-to-face) 

This course aims to strengthen capacity of UN System gender focal points in their specific role and functions in advancing gender equality within their own organizations. It also promotes the building of a community to encourage discussion and sharing of good practices.


Gender Equality at Local Level in Latin America and the Caribbean


4 April - 3 June 2016

The course aims to improve participants’ understanding about the importance of human rights and gender equality in democratic local governance and inclusive development. Participants will be able to identify strategies that are adapted for their local context to promote gender equality in local development.

For more information click here.

Gender Equality, UN Coherence and You


This e-learning course has been developed to build organizational capacity towards attaining results in promoting gender equality. The main aim of the course is to establish a minimum standard for an introductory orientation on gender equality and UN system coherence. 

To access the course click here

Gender in Humanitarian Action: Different Needs – Equal Opportunities

English / French / Spanish

To provide introductory guidance – through information and practical examples - on the fundamentals of applying a gender-equality approach to humanitarian programming.

Click here to access the course.


How to manage gender-responsive evaluation

The eLearning course has 9 modules that aim to support those initiating, managing and/or using gender-responsive evaluations by providing direction, advice and tools for every step in the evaluation process: planning, preparation, conduct, reporting, evaluation use and follow up. While this course is open to anyone around the world, the primary audience is UN Women staff, in particular M&E Officers/focal points and other staff that manage evaluations, and the senior management involved in evaluation processes.

We invite you to enroll in the course today!


I Know Gender: An Introduction to Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment

This course aims to develop and/or strengthen awareness and understanding of gender equality and women’s empowerment as a first step towards behavioral change and the integration of a gender perspective into everyday work for all UN staff at headquarters, regional and country levels. It provides an introduction to the concepts, international framework, and methods for working toward gender equality and women’s empowerment. It also offers users the opportunity to make links between gender and specific thematic areas such as work; education; political participation; emergencies; peace and security; sexual and reproductive health; sexual and gender diversity and human rights; and violence against women.



English / French / Spanish

This course aims to integrate a gender perspective in border management training. Click here to access the course. 


English / French / Spanish

This course aims to integrate a gender perspective in prison security personnel training. Click here to access the course. 


Why We Care About Care

English / Spanish

2 May - 3 July

This course aims to provide a global perspective on care, care work, and care economy. It will enhance awareness, knowledge and understanding on the critical place care work occupies in development, while simultaneously providing skills and tools for analyzing and identifying types of interventions and policies for a fair and equal social organization of care to advance human development, gender equality and women’s empowerment.

For more information click here.