Enrolment options

How to Manage Gender-responsive Evaluation

Woman reviewing documents

Learning Modality:Self-paced

Date: Available online all year

Duration: Approximately 9 hours

Language: English

Tuition fee: Free

This eLearning course is part of the UN Women professionalization initiative to strengthen the evaluation function, a comprehensive, hands-on programme aimed at developing core competencies in managing gender-responsive evaluation for UN Women staff. Created with contributions from UN Women staff located around the world, the initiative is comprised of the UN Women Evaluation Handbook, an eLearning course, and a coaching programme. The professionalization initiative was developed in collaboration between the Independent Evaluation Office, Human Resources and the Training Centre.

The course is divided into the following modules:

  • Introduction to gender-responsive evaluation
  • How to plan evaluations at UN Women
  • How to prepare for gender-responsive evaluation
  • Establishing the terms of reference for the evaluation
  • Gender responsive evaluation design
  • Managing the evaluation conduct
  • Ensuring high quality reports
  • Evaluation use and follow up
  • Communicating evaluation results

This course is open to anyone around the world, the primary audience is UN Women staff, in particular M&E Officers/focal points and other staff that manage evaluations, and the senior management involved in evaluation processes.


Self enrolment (Elearning Participant)