نتائج البحث: 3
Gender Responsive Budgeting, Training of Trainers
Learning Modality:Face-to-Face
Date: 18 – 22 September (English) | 25 – 29 September (Spanish)
Duration: 4 weeks online, 5 days Face-to-Face
Location: Santo Domingo
Language: English, Spanish
Tuition fee: USD $1500
Scholarship: Available based on scholarship policy
This course seeks to enhance the knowledge and capacity of trainers /facilitators by providing training in the field of gender responsive budgeting (GRB) and on specific topics in this field. This face to face course aims to combine theory with hands-on training for GRB and to provide participants with the necessary skills and tools to develop an efficient capacity development strategy.
During one week, participants will undertake Training of Trainers (TOT) sessions, theoretical sessions, practical exercises, debates and participatory dynamics. In theoretical sessions on GRB, specific tools or methodologies will be presented, analyzed and discussed in depth. Specific country examples and practical hands-on-training exercises will be included in each session, allowing students to combine theory with practice. Guided by a participatory dynamic, the sessions on training needs will also be prepared and delivered by a trainer via a horizontal learning process wherein both trainers and trainees learn from one another. Finally, the course will include ToT sessions aimed to enhance training skills of participants in the subject of GRB. During the TOT sessions, each student is expected to present a GRB session to be developed in groups of 5 persons.
The course will be of particular benefit to:
- Development practitioners including United Nations System staff, researchers, policy-makers, civil society and advocates who are working on gender mainstreaming in different spheres such as public policy, planning and budgeting.
- Gender trainers and/or programme officers with a good level of knowledge on gender responsive budgeting.
Registration currently closed
I Know Gender 11: Women, Peace and Security
Learning Modality:Self-paced
Date: Available online all year
Duration: Approximately 50 minutes.
Language: English and , FrenchSpanish
Tuition fee: Free
Considering the different needs of women, men, boys and girls in armed conflict and emergency situations makes peace building, recovery measures and security policies more efficient and comprehensive. This module shall give you an overview of gender and women’s rights in peace and security contexts, the international framework for advancing these, and concrete examples from the field on how to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment in peacebuilding and security initiatives.
Approximately 50 minutes.
All UN System staff and others who are interested to learn about gender issues
A Portable Document Format (PDF) viewer and Flash software is needed in order to view the course. Please note that the course will open in a separate pop-up window, therefore please ensure that pop-up blockers are de-activated. The participant will need a set of headphones or speakers as the course includes audio throughout the entire course.
Je connais le genre 11: Des Besoins différents - Des chances égales
Modalité d’apprentissage :En autonomie
Date : Disponible en ligne toute l’année
Durée : Environ 50 minutes
Langue : Anglais, français et espagnol
Coût :Gratuit.
Considering the different needs of women, men, boys and girls in armed conflict and emergency situations makes peace building, recovery measures and security policies more efficient and comprehensive. This module shall give you an overview of gender and women’s rights in peace and security contexts, the international framework for advancing these, and concrete examples from the field on how to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment in peacebuilding and security initiatives.
Environ 50 minutes.
Tout le personnel des Nations Unies et toute personne intéressée par les questions d’égalité des sexes.
Les organismes partenaires ayant contribué aux modules thématiques optionnels pour le présent cours sont les suivants : CCI-OIT, HCDH, ONUSIDA, CNUCED, UNESCO, UNFPA, VNU et PAM. En outre, les organismes suivants ont pris part à l’examen par les pairs qui a permis de forger un consensus sur les modules et le contenu de base du cours : CESAO, FAO, AIEA, FIDA, OIM, CCI-ILO, HCDH, ONUSIDA, PNUD, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNICEF.
Les versions les plus récentes d’Adobe Reader et Adobe Flash sont nécessaires pour visionner le cours. Veuillez noter que le cours s’ouvre dans une fenêtre contextuelle et qu’il faut donc s’assurer de désactiver le bloqueur de fenêtres contextuelles. Sont également nécessaires un casque d’écoute ou des haut-parleurs, étant donné qu’il y a une piste audio tout au long du cours.