UN Women launches the I Know Gender Course for the UN System 14 October 2014 As we near the 20th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, a landmark for women’s rights and gender equality, UN Women launches an online course meant to make basic gender equality knowledge accessible to all UN system staff. “I Know Gender: An Introduction to Gender Equality for UN staff” stems from collective efforts by UN Women and sister UN agencies to enhance awareness, knowledge and understanding on gender equality and women’s empowerment for non-gender specialists. Integrating gender equality into daily work and life is at the heart of transforming the UN to achieve the post-2105 development agenda. More
A new UN Women training manual “Gender on the Move” seeks to build capacity for gender analysis among migration policymakers and professionals 18 December 2013 Around the world, a record number of women are now migrating to seek work and better lives. For many, migration yields these benefits; for others, it carries dangerous risks, such as exploitation in domestic work, and vulnerability to violence. Migration policies and practices have been slow to recognize these risks and take steps to make the process safe for women. More
Development professionals to attend ILO Gender Academy 8 November 2013 To share knowledge and expertise, and advance the goals of gender equality in development work and planning, UN Women is co-sponsoring the second edition of the “Gender Academy”, a two-week programme of workshops and training for gender equality at the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ITC-ILO). More
Calling gender experts: UN Women announces new Roster of Gender Experts and Trainers 29 May 2013 UN Women, in collaboration with the UN System Staff College, today launched a call for experts to sign up to its new UN Women Expert and Trainer Roster initiative, an online database of experts who are available, as a global pool of gender experts, to work for UN Women. More