Become one of UN Women’s Trainers for Gender equality 5 March 2018 Le Centre de Formation d’ONU Femmes est fier d’annoncer les nouvelles dates de la Formation des Formateurs (FdF) sur l’égalité de genre : les Compétences en formation professionnel pour le personnel d’ONU Femmes. Ce cours en anglais et a été reporté au 3 septembre 2018. El Centro de Capacitación de ONU Mujeres se complace en anunciar las nuevas fechas de la Formación de Formadores (FdF) para Igualdad de Género: Habilidades de Capacitación Profesional para el personal de ONU Mujeres. Este curso en semipresencial en inglés iniciará 3 de septiembre de 2018. More
I Know Gender Course releases new module on Volunteerism 5 March 2018 United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme and UN Women training Centre are glad to announce the release of the new I Know Gender module on Volunteerism and Gender Equality. This interagency self-paced course, that introduces a gender perspective on over 15 different relevant topics, now addresses gender as a crosscutting issue in volunteerism, in the context of the development agenda for 2030, particularly SDG5 on gender equality. More
Online Catalogue Upgrade Features eCommerce Function 24 January 2018 e-Commerce feature allows users to pay course registration fees directly through the eLearning Campus. The new online catalogue also houses all of the UN Women Training Centre's free open-access courses. More
Addressing intersectional identities enables inclusive approach in training, according to report 22 December 2017 The UN Women Training Centre is pleased to present the Final Report of its latest Virtual Dialogue on Intersectionality in Training for Gender Equality. This Report presents an analytical synthesis of the discussions during the 11th Virtual Dialogue held by the Training Centre’s Community of Practice (CoP), raising issues for further debate on intersectionality in training for gender equality. More
Training of Trainers will offer UN Women staff the opportunity to enhance facilitation skills 11 December 2017 The UN Women Training Centre has extended the application period for the Training of Trainers for Gender Equality . The face to face part of this programme will take place from at the Training Centre in Santo Domingo. More
Masculinities, GRB and Care Economy self-paced courses now available thanks to eCommerce function 30 November 2017 Three new introductory self-paced courses on Masculinities, Responsive Budgeting (GRB) and the Care Economy have been released by the UN Women Training Centre eLearning Campus. This launch is possible due to the addition of our eCommerce function which allows users to pay course registration fees directly through the online platform. More
Registration is now open for the new edition of our course on Gender Equality at the Local Level in Latin America and the Caribbean 30 November 2017 For the fourth consecutive year, the UN Women Training Centre is launching registration for Gender Equality at the Local Level in Latin America and the Caribbean, which will take place from 12 March until 18 May 2018. This online moderated course will offer recent content on the status of gender equality in the region, its nuances and different ways to spark progress. More
Cities and public spaces free of sexual violence addressed at training in Torreón, Mexico 15 November 2017 The UN Women Training Centre conducted a training of trainers on Safe Cities and Public Spaces in Torreon, Northern Mexico, last October 2017. The course, that included an online and a face-to-face component, provided a platform for interactive learning and exchange for civil servants (from the police, the judiciary, urban planning and transport) with the aim of contributing to the creation of safer cities and public spaces for all. More
“Gender mainstreaming is clearly teamwork and I will use this approach in the future” says Gender Mainstreaming course participant 15 November 2017 Oyuntuya Shagdarsuren, Deputy Director of Enhancing Resource Management through Institutional Transformation (MERIT) in Mongolia shares her experience as participant of the Gender Mainstreaming course delivered in Bangkok by the UN Women Training Centre last October, in close collaboration with the UN Women Regional Office in Asia and the Pacific. More
Gender Responsive Budgeting training successfully delivered in Serbia 15 November 2017 Professionals from 10 countries completed successfully a Face-to-Face Course on Gender-Responsive Budgeting (GRB), organized by the UN Women Training Centre, in coordination with the Leadership and Political Participation Section, in Belgrade, Serbia during the week of 9-13 October. More