Biblioteca Virtual del INSTRAW

Bienvenida/o a la BIBLIOTECA VIRTUAL DEL INSTRAW, una colección de alrededor de 600 publicaciones realizadas por el antiguo Instituto Internacional de Investigaciones y Capacitación de las Naciones Unidas para la promoción de la Mujer (UN-INSTRAW), que sirvió como el instituto principal para la investigación, capacitación y gestión del conocimiento para alcanzar la igualdad de género y el empoderamiento de las mujeres. El INSTRAW, en conjunto con DAW, OSAGI y UNIFEM, unieron fuerzas en el 2010 para establecer lo que es actualmente ONU Mujeres.

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El Legado del INSTRAW

Además de la Biblioteca Virtual del INSTRAW, El Centro de Capacitación de ONU Mujeres presenta la publicación “El legado intelectual del INSTRAW para la promoción de los derechos de las mujeres. Memoria Institucional de 1976 a 2010”, que intenta rendir homenaje a la historia del INSTRAW así como a los movimientos de mujeres y gobiernos que le apoyaron.

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Reference: UN-INSTRAW. (1991). Millions of Women Support their families with Informal Sector Work like this. [Flyer].
Year: 1991
Description: This flyer outlines excerpts from guidelines draw up at the INSTRAW Consultative Meeting of Experts on Macroeconomic Policy Analysis for Women in the Informal Sector, held in Rome, Italy, from 17 to 22 March 1991.
INSTRAW's Mandate: Information dissemination
Theme: Economy
Keywords: Informal sector, Household , Labour
Geographic Area: Global
Languages: English
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: UN-INSTRAW. (1991). Millions of Women Support their families with Informal Sector Work like this. [Flyer].
Year: 1991
Description: This flyer outlines excerpts from guidelines draw up at the INSTRAW Consultative Meeting of Experts on Macroeconomic Policy Analysis for Women in the Informal Sector, held in Rome, Italy, from 17 to 22 March 1991.
INSTRAW's Mandate: Information dissemination
Theme: Economy
Keywords: Informal sector, Household , Labour
Geographic Area: Global
Languages: English
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Safilios-Rothschild, C., Jørgensen, K., & Mahmud, S. (1991). Evaluation Report on the United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW). (1991). Oslo, Norway: GCS A/S.
Year: 1991

This report presents the evaluation of INSTRAW undertaken at the request of the Norwegian, Dutch and Finish Ministries of Foreign Affairs. This focuses on the mandate, the funding, the status of INSTRAW within the UN system, the evaluation of all programmes, and the formulation of issues or problems, options and recommendations. It also evaluates the Water Supply and Sanitation training modules and the Information, Documentation and Communications component of INSTRAW's programme. Additionally, it looks at the statistic research and training component, the new renewable sources of energy training module, and the organizational structure of INSTRAW.

INSTRAW's Mandate: Information dissemination
Keywords: Evaluation, Programme, Strategies
Geographic Area: Global
Languages: English
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: 1990 Press Album. (1990). Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: INSTRAW.
Year: 1990
Description: This press album compiles events that took place during the year 1990, specially INSTRAW' s public information activities covered by the international press. Included are magazines and clipping on the celebrations of INSTRAW's 10th anniversary as well as other important events covered by the global press
INSTRAW's Mandate: Information dissemination
Keywords: Media, Information, Events
Geographic Area: Global
Languages: English
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Catalogue of INSTRAW Publications. (1991). Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: INSTRAW.
Year: 1991
Description: This publication shows the research focus of INSTRAW which is on current development problems as they relate to women. The many publications on statistics reflect INSTRAW's concerted attempts to improve indicators and basic statistics on women.
INSTRAW's Mandate: Research
Keywords: Research, Catalogue, Publications
Geographic Area: Global
Languages: English
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Synthesis of Pilot Studies on Compilation of Statistics on women in the Informal Sector in Industry, Trade and Services in Four African Countries. (1991). Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: INSTRAW.
Year: 1991
Description: The research quantifies the women's contribution to the economy in the informal sector in Africa presenting tables with analytical problems and characteristics of women's participation in the economy. The research shows a variety of rates and ratios, such as men, concentration ratios in economic activities, capital or labour ratios, educational profiles and characteristics of households, among other topics.
INSTRAW's Mandate: Research
Theme: Statistics, indicators and data
Keywords: Informal sector, Ratios, Household
Geographic Area: Africa
Languages: English
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Report of the Regional Training Workshop on "Women and Renewable Energy Sources". (1991). Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: INSTRAW.
Year: 1991
Description: This report summarizes the deliberations of the seminar which was organized in Tripoli, Libya from 1 to 8 December 1990 on women and renewable energy sources. The aim of the workshop was to apply a multi-media training package on "Women and New and Renewable Sources of Energy" for Arabic African countries. Presentations included in the report deal with the following topics: women's need in Africa and their link with renewable resources of energy, wind energy conversion systems, biogas production and applications, education and training in NRSE projects and programmes, design and implementation of said projects and programmes, and other forms of renewable energy.
INSTRAW's Mandate: Training
Theme: Energy
Keywords: Renewable Energy Sources, Ecological Damage, Formal Employment
Geographic Area: Africa
Languages: English
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Mujer, Desarrollo Y Alternativas Energéticas: Fuentes De Energía Nuevas Y Renovables. (1991). Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: INSTRAW.
Year: 1991

Este informe resume el seminario-taller titulado ''Mujer, desarrollo y alternativas energéticas: fuentes de energía nuevas y renovables", que tuvo lugar en Santo Domingo del 11 a 13 de diciembre del 1990. Esta actividad  reunió diferentes sectores de la población dominicana involucrados en asuntos energéticos, de desarrollo y  de la mujer, con el objetivo de compartir experiencias, así como analizar la situación energética  y la posición de la mujer con respecto a ella.

INSTRAW's Mandate: Training
Theme: Energy
Keywords: New and Renewable Sources of Energy (NRSE), Development, Empowerment
Geographic Area: Latin America and the Caribbean
Languages: Spanish
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Mediterranean Training Seminar on Women and New and Renewable Sources of Energy. (1991). Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: INSTRAW.
Year: 1991
Description: The report presents the deliberation of the training seminar, organized by the Centre for Management and Labour Research (CMLR) and INSTRAW in cooperation with the International Centre for Public Entreprises in Developing countries (ICPE) in Yugoslavia from 18-21 September 1990. It focuses on the necessity to adapt the multimedia modular training package on women and new and renewal source of energy for the Mediterranean region by national experts.
INSTRAW's Mandate: Training
Theme: Energy
Keywords: New and Renewable Sources of Energy (NRSE), Modular training package, Adaptation
Geographic Area: Global
Languages: English
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Modular Approach to Development of Managerial and Entrepreneurial Skill for Women Managers in Developing Countries. (1991). Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: INSTRAW.
Year: 1991
Description: This training package is a result of the joint efforts of INSTRAW and UNIDO. It is aimed at trainers involved in the capacity development of women who wish to become entrepreneurs or managers. The program contains seven modules that deal with various areas related to women in development and industry, institutional building on management training for women, and the approach to training. The objective of this training package is to help develop managerial and entrepreneurial capability amongst women and thus facilitate their integration into the labor market.
INSTRAW's Mandate: Training
Theme: Training
Keywords: Capacities, Management , Entrepreneurship
Geographic Area: Global
Languages: English
LinkToFile: PDF FILE