Biblioteca Virtual del INSTRAW

Bienvenida/o a la BIBLIOTECA VIRTUAL DEL INSTRAW, una colección de alrededor de 600 publicaciones realizadas por el antiguo Instituto Internacional de Investigaciones y Capacitación de las Naciones Unidas para la promoción de la Mujer (UN-INSTRAW), que sirvió como el instituto principal para la investigación, capacitación y gestión del conocimiento para alcanzar la igualdad de género y el empoderamiento de las mujeres. El INSTRAW, en conjunto con DAW, OSAGI y UNIFEM, unieron fuerzas en el 2010 para establecer lo que es actualmente ONU Mujeres.

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El Legado del INSTRAW

Además de la Biblioteca Virtual del INSTRAW, El Centro de Capacitación de ONU Mujeres presenta la publicación “El legado intelectual del INSTRAW para la promoción de los derechos de las mujeres. Memoria Institucional de 1976 a 2010”, que intenta rendir homenaje a la historia del INSTRAW así como a los movimientos de mujeres y gobiernos que le apoyaron.

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Reference: Women, Water Supply & Sanitation ?Making the Link Stronger. (1989). Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: INSTRAW.
Year: 1989

This supplement to INSTRAW News describes diferent issues and approaches and encourages participation by women and communities in water and sanitation projects. It raises such issues as the relationship between women and water and sanitation, and pertinent issues relating to programme and project planning and implementation.

INSTRAW's Mandate: Information dissemination
Theme: Water supply and sanitation
Keywords: Planning, Development, Implementation
Geographic Area: Global
Languages: English
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Women, Water Supply & Sanitation ?Making the Link Stronger. (1989). Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: INSTRAW.
Year: 1989

This supplement to INSTRAW News describes diferent issues and approaches and encourages participation by women and communities in water and sanitation projects. It raises such issues as the relationship between women and water and sanitation, and pertinent issues relating to programme and project planning and implementation.

INSTRAW's Mandate: Information dissemination
Theme: Water supply and sanitation
Keywords: Planning, Development, Implementation
Geographic Area: Global
Languages: French
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Women, Water Supply & Sanitation ?Making the Link Stronger. (1989). Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: INSTRAW.
Year: 1989

This supplement to INSTRAW News describes diferent issues and approaches and encourages participation by women and communities in water and sanitation projects. It raises such issues as the relationship between women and water and sanitation, and pertinent issues relating to programme and project planning and implementation.

INSTRAW's Mandate: Information dissemination
Theme: Water supply and sanitation
Keywords: Planning, Development, Implementation
Geographic Area: Global
Languages: Spanish
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Contribution à l'étude du besoin actuel de renforcement des mécanismes nationaux visant à intégrer les femmes aux projets de developpement. (1989). Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: INSTRAW.
Year: 1989

Cette étude s'inscrit dans le cadre du besoin actuel de renforcer les mécanismes nationaux visant à intégrer les femmes aux projets de développement se penche sur les caracteristiques des mécanismes nationaux en Afrique, les changements intervenus dans la structure de ces derniers depuis 1975 et fait de recommendations concrètes en ce qui concerne la place quíls doivent occuper au sein des structures gouvernementales et les stratégies qu´ils doivent implanter en matière de formation, d´information et de coopération avec les différentes services techniques gouvernementales.

INSTRAW's Mandate: Research
Theme: Governance and planning
Keywords: National machineries, Women and Development, Political Participation
Geographic Area: Africa
Languages: French
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Parada, S. (1989). Women, Development and Demographic Trends in Central America: A General Overview. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: INSTRAW.
Year: 1989
Description: This study centers around fertility patterns, female mortality, changes in the age structure of female populations, and trends of female migration from rural to urban areas. This study reflects the recommendations of the Nairobi Forward-looking Strategies for the advancement of women which advocates for the continuous monitoring of demographic trends at the regional level as a base for the implementation of the Strategies.
INSTRAW's Mandate: Research
Theme: Population
Keywords: Demography , Development policy, Fertility pattern
Geographic Area: Latin America and the Caribbean
Languages: English
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Sicherl, P. (1989). Methods of Measuring Disparity between Men and Women. A Technical Report. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: INSTRAW.
Year: 1989
Description: This study proposes an extended conceptual and analytical framework for the analysis of gender disparities, including ways to measure male-female diferentials over time. These measures are then applied to data in four specific fields: education, ocupation, wages and time use and some suggestions for further improvement are made.
INSTRAW's Mandate: Research
Theme: Statistics, indicators and data
Keywords: Time use, Labour, Wages
Geographic Area: Global
Languages: English
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Joint Training Seminar on Women, Population and Development. (1989). Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: INSTRAW.
Year: 1989
Description: This report summarizes the deliberations of the seminar held in Santo Domingo from 22 to 26 May l989 on the topic women, population and development. It focuses on united approaches to women in development and national experience in population progammes and development policies. The report includes select bibliographical references on women, population and developement for America and the Caribbean.
INSTRAW's Mandate: Training
Theme: Population
Keywords: Women and development, Empowerment , International relationship
Geographic Area: Latin America and the Caribbean
Languages: English
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Joint INSTRAW/UNFPA Training Seminar on Women, Population and Development. (1989). Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: INSTRAW.
Year: 1989
Description: This report compiles the deliberations of the seminar which was organized in the sub-region of Central America and the Caribbean for counterparts, on the topic of women, population and development. The seminar presentation are described and include United Nations approaches to women in development and national experience in population programmes and development policies.
INSTRAW's Mandate: Training
Theme: Development
Keywords: Population , Women and Development, United Nations
Geographic Area: Global
Languages: English
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Sub-Regional Training Workshop on Women in Development. (1989). Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: INSTRAW.
Year: 1989
Description: This report presents summaries of the debates of the workshop, which aimed to train field and selected headquarters staff from UNDP and UNFPA, and project officials from governments and NGOs, on the use of gender analysis for programme and project development, monitoring and evaluation. Discussion centered on the situation of women in the Carribbean, gender analysis methodology and its application to development project;; women, population and development; women: national and sectoral priorities; and planning and country programming.
INSTRAW's Mandate: Training
Theme: Development
Keywords: Gender analysis methodology, Planning , Population
Geographic Area: Latin America and the Caribbean
Languages: English
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Joint INSTRAW/UNFPA Training Seminar on Women, Population and Development: Economic Contribution Women in Development. (1989). Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: INSTRAW.
Year: 1989
Description: This report summarizes the debate of the seminar which was the first organized in the sub-region of Central America and the Caribbean for national counterparts from May 22 -26, 1989 on the topic of women, population and development. The seminar presentations are described and this includes United Nations approaches to women in development and national experiences in population programmes and development policies.
INSTRAW's Mandate: Training
Theme: Economy
Keywords: Development, Policy, Labour
Geographic Area: Latin America and the Caribbean
Languages: English
LinkToFile: PDF FILE