Welcome to the INSTRAW LIBRARY, a compilation of around 600 publications produced by the former UN International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (UN-INSTRAW), which served as the leading UN institute devoted to research, training and knowledge management to achieve gender equality and women’s empowerment. INSTRAW, along with DAW, OSAGI and UNIFEM, came together in 2010 to establish the present UN Women.

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The Legacy of INSTRAW

In addition to the INSTRAW Library, the UN Women Training Centre presents the publication “The legacy of INSTRAW in promoting the rights of women. A historical record of the Institute between 1976 and 2010”, which intends to pay tribute to the story of INSTRAW as well as to the women’s movements and governments which supported it.

ID: 2008-I-HEA-DOM
Reference: UN-INSTRAW. (2008). Salud sexual y reproductiva y violencia en personas vulnerables afectadas por la tormenta Noel. [Policy Brief].
Year: 2008

Notas de la investigación que se llevó a cabo por Instraw y Unfpa sobre el impacto de la tormenta Noel sobre la salud sexual y reproductiva de las mujeres afectadas por esta última, además presenta recomendaciones para implementar politicas públicas para este sector de la población afectada por la tormenta.

Instraw's Mandate: Information dissemination
Theme: Health
Keywords: Reproductive health, Disaster risk management, Public policy
Geographic Area: Latin America and the Caribbean
Languages: Spanish
Type of Product: Policy brief
Disponibility: Digital/Text
LinkToFile: PDF FILE