News from the Campus

ONU Femmes et APRO unissent leurs forces pour renforcer les capacités sur l'intégration de la dimension genre dans la région Asie-Pacifique

23 October 2017

The blended course Gender Mainstreaming has been facilitated from 18- September to 13 October in its online version. Afterwards, Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand hosted the face-to-face workshop between 16-20 October.

The objective of the Course was to strengthen the capacities of UN staff, development organizations, governments and other stakeholders to mainstream gender in public policies, programmes and projects and institutions and organizations.

The content was integrated in 4 Modules covering diverse topics:
  • Module 1: Basic concepts on gender mainstreaming
  • Module 2: Gender mainstreaming in Programmes and Projects Cycle
  • Module 3: Gender Mainstreaming in Public Policies
  • Module 4: Gender Mainstreaming in Institutions

The Course was geared towards the UN System and other development organizations, governments and civil society.

For additional information click here