The UN Women Training Centre is pleased to announce the opening of the registration for the course Why We Care about Care: An Online Moderated Course on Care Economy is now open. The course will take place from 2 May to 3 July 2016 (deadline to apply 21 March).

This course aims to provide a global perspective on care, care work, and care economy. It will enhance awareness, knowledge and understanding on the critical place care work occupies in development, while simultaneously providing skills and tools for analyzing and identifying types of interventions and policies for a fair and equal social organization of care to advance human development, gender equality and women's empowerment.
The course contains seven modules:
- Care: Basic concepts
- Identifying care needs and caregiving scenarios
- Current features and changing trends of the social organization of care
- Care as part of the economy
- A critical case of remunerated care: Domestic employment
- Global care chains: Care beyond national borders
- Policy interventions: Towards a right to care and co-responsibility
The course will include a series of online lectures from international guest speakers.
The course is geared towards all who want to gain knowledge and understanding about care, care work, and care economy. The course will be of particular benefit for development practitioners, researchers, policy makers and advocates who are working on economic empowerment, public policy, and gender equality.
See course flyer for further info.