The UN Women Training Centre is committed to a rigorous analysis, design, planning, implementation and evaluation of its training courses and products, and has therefore elaborated a Quality Assurance Tool for Training for Gender Equality (TfGE). The tool includes -but is not limited to- 6 criteria for assessing quality: meeting learning needs, adopting a transformative learning approach, being gender equitable and diverse, being sustainable, promoting innovation and creativity, and aiming to social transformation. These trainings should also apply an intersectional approach, which illuminates the interconnections between various forms of inequality and oppression and following the principle of Leaving no one behind.
The Quality Assurance Tool for Training for Gender Equality presents questions that training coordinators and/or facilitators are encouraged to use to ensure that the aforementioned criteria are considered through each of the stages of the training cycle. For example, for the initial phase of analysis, it is recommended to identify the relevance, responsiveness, and potential cost-effectiveness of the planned training. Some of the key questions that can help to identify if the assessment meets the quality assurance criteria are, among others: how are the different needs of diverse men and women considered in a comprehensive learning needs analysis? Is the assessment team gender balanced? Is the learning needs analysis as participatory as possible and includes discussions with diverse stakeholders?
This tool builds on the theoretical framework on TfGE developed throughout a series of Working Papers commissioned by the UN Women Training Centre. It can either be read as a stand-alone tool or in conjunction with other documents that could bring light to its application, such as: Feminist Pedagogies, Typology on Training For Gender Equality and the Transformative Evaluation Paper and Tool