ONU Mujeres/ Ruya Leghari and Kamron Ismatullaev
The Annual Report 2017, now available on our portal, highlights a continuous increase in the number of participants and trainings being made available by the UN Women Training Centre. The number of registered users was of 52,441 in December 2017, representing a rise of 382% from 2014, when the eLearning Campus was first created.
In addition, the number of trainings available increased. More than 70 new opportunities for training were included in the campus; and, during 2017, 82 training programmes were accomplished.
The report, which aims to give a general overview of the activities and achievements of the year, also highlights the successfull execution of the courses: Transformative Leadership for Gender Equality and Women's Rights, aand Mainstreaming Gender Equality. In both cases the programs focus on practical experience by introducing participants tos feasible and applicable strategies in order to transform power structures. They focus as well on how to grapple with unequal norms and institutions in order to construct inclusive organisational environments from the gender perspective. All of these skills and habits are key to the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially Goal number 5.
The analysis also found that the establishment and maintenance of collaborations with other agencies, such as organisations outside of the United Nations, continue to be an important priority for the UN Women Training Centre. It points to, in particular, the fruitful and ongoing collaboration with the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organisation (ITC-ILO), with whom various training initiatives have been executed (implementation of training; creation of manuals; proposals for new programs, etc).
It is also important to mention the new association with the Dutch academic institution Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), of particular importance in 2017 for it made the establishment of the Program for the Professional Development of Trainers in Gender Equality possible. This program, a high level training of trainers, is one of the strategies for advancing the mandate of the UN Women Training Centre, following the recommendations of the Expert Group Meeting on Training for Gender Equality in 2015.
To find out more download the 2017 Annual Report for the UN Women Training Centre (available in English)