Explore gender and disarmament with our new course
1 November 2019

[Image credit: © UN Women/Christopher Herwig]
Women and men are differently affected by, and involved in, disarmament. But in practice, gender tends to be overlooked in disarmament debates. This is why the UN Women Training Centre has developed a brand new course on Gender and Disarmament with the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA).
This free, self-paced e-learning course will help learners understand why gender equality matters in disarmament, and what they can do to support gender mainstreaming in disarmament. It strengthens knowledge and awareness of cross-cutting issues related
to arms control, gender equality, sustainable development, and women, peace and security, as well as best practices in gender mainstreaming in disarmament and arms control. It will also enhance understandings of the contribution that disarmament can
make to achieving the 2030 Agenda, as well as how components of the agenda can be used as entry points for gender-sensitive disarmament.
The course is split into two modules. One covers concepts and normative frameworks. The other “how to” module focuses on mainstreaming gender in disarmament, illustrated with best practices and examples:
- Gender and Disarmament Module 1 – Introducing Gender and Disarmament
- Gender and Disarmament Module 2 – The Role of Women in Mainstreaming Gender in Disarmament
The modules outline how to identify key concepts and gender issues in disarmament, explore women’s empowerment and participation in disarmament processes, analyse frameworks for mainstreaming gender, and look at initiatives for mainstreaming gender in disarmament.
The course is now available in English, Spanish and French.
Take our gender and disarmament course now: https://portal.trainingcentre.unwomen.org/product/gender-and-disarmament/