News from the Campus

Registration open for UN System Gender Focal Points Course!

31 March 2016

The UN Women Training Centre is pleased to announce that registration for the course Empowering UN System Gender Focal Points is now open. The course aims to strengthen capacity of UN System gender focal points in their specific role and functions in advancing gender equality within their own organizations. It also promotes the building of a community to encourage discussion and sharing of good practices. The course is a joint collaboration between the UN Women Training Center and the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ITC-ILO).

This year, the course is offered from 4 to 27 May (4 weeks online and 5 days face-to-face in Turin, Italy).

Group of women in Training

The Empowering UN System Gender Focal Points course explores key areas related to gender equality and the empowerment of women. It examines the UN Gender architecture and reviews strategies and tools to identify and address gender equality challenges within the UN. It reviews gender mainstreaming tools (such as gender markers and the UN System Wide Approach on Gender Equality) and their concrete application. The course also addresses communication and advocacy tools to promote gender equality.

At the end of this blended training, Gender Focal Points will:

  1. Deepen basic gender concepts;
  2. Explore thematic areas dealing with key gender and women's issues;
  3. Understand gender architecture in the UN System;
  4. Be able to apply gender mainstreaming tools;
  5. Have developed their skills in advocacy and communication. The training will also promote the building of a community to encourage discussion and sharing of good practices. This community will also support access to resources and tools.

The course is addressed to Gender Focal Points Across the UN System.

Applications should be filled on-line at: (please select the appropriate activity Title: Empowering UN System Gender Focal Points, Blended Training)

For more information about the course access the course flyer here.