Foto: KIT/ Roberta Brito. A student from the first edition of the course participates in an exercise during the face-to-face session.
After the successful implementation of the pilot program between October 2017 and April 2018, the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) and UN Women Training Centre are pleased to announce the opening of the second edition of the Professional Development Programme for Gender Trainers.
This training of blended modality includes different activities such as moderated on-line learning, remote monitoring of the participants tasks, as well as 2 face-to-face workshops in KIT facilities in Amsterdam. The second edition will take place from 22 October 2018 until the 30 April 2019, encompassing a total period of six-months.
The first cohort was made up of 25 participants from 20 different countries, 15 of whom were part of or were linked to an international organisation. The programme was evaluated in a highly postive way by the participants, who agreed that the learning objectives were met and who would recommend the course to others working in training.
In the words of Susan Harwood, participant and Specialist in Diversity and Social Inclusion in Australia: "I am confident that this excellent learning environment will continue to deliver benefits to me well into the future and beyond the time frames of the 6-month course".
The primary objectives of the program are to:
- Sharpen training skills and knowledge of gender and development concepts as a gender equality trainer
- Enable participants to better employ learning and knowledge strategies
- Support participants to re-claim training for gender equality as a political feminist process
- Renew participants as a gender equality trainer and their commitment to gender training as a transformatory process
The program uses a combination of thematic sessions, presentations from special guests, practical exercises and asignments in order to strengthen the capacities of those attending. In addition, the training is designed as a procress of co-creation between the participants and the qualified experts, in which the diversity of experiences and of backgrounds are important factors.
To apply to be in the program you must reach the following requirements:
- Have a minimum of three years of training experience on gender issues.
- Have knowledge of gender and development and gender in public policy.
- Have an institutional affiliation/experience: UN agencies, international and national NGOs, national governments, academia, etc.
- Demonstrate commitment to completing the six-month process of professional development.
For more information and to register click HERE
You can also download the information booklet for the course HERE.
Finally, we invite you to an open access informative online session about our course, titled: Feminist pedagogies and training for gender equality: a paradox? The webinar will be offerd twice on Wednesday 6 June 2018.
Register here por the 7:30 - 8:30 AM EDT
Register here for the 10:00 - 11:00 AM EDT