Take our
online course for Gender Focal Points (GFPs) with the ITC-ILO
15 September 2020
If you are a gender focal point pushing for equality in the workplace, improve your practice and widen your network with this online training course by the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ITC-ILO) and the UN Women
Training Centre.
The 5-week eLearning journey, spanning 30 hours, begins on 2 November 2020 and runs to 4 December. The deadline for applications is 26 October, so sign up now!
This course is for Gender Focal Points (GFPs) and gender facilitators tasked with supporting and promoting gender integration in their work units, organizations and agencies, including United Nations (UN) GFPs and UN staff working on gender equality.
The course will provide you with the basic knowledge and guidance in the understanding why gender equality matters, particularly in this new COVID-19 era. Block 1 explores why there is a need for change. In Block 2, you will discover tools and strategies
for gender mainstreaming with the final goal of supporting you to make this change happen.
Here are three key reasons to take this course:
- It is an opportunity to engage with UN officials and international experts on gender mainstreaming within organizations post-COVID-19.
- There will be practical discussions about how UN entities can help to achieve gender equality.
- You will identify how you can become a part of the solution.

Sign up for the ITC-ILO’s/UN Women Training
Centre’s Gender Focal Points course: https://www.itcilo.org/courses/embrace-change-new-era-empowering-un-gender-focal-points
Download the course brochure: