On 4 August 2016, the UN Women Training Centre delivered a training to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Dominican Republic country team on Gender Mainstreaming in Programmes and Projects. Participants first completed the Spanish version of the online self-paced course I Know Gender, which provided an introduction to gender concepts, issues, and international frameworks, before focusing gender mainstreaming in the face-to- face portion of the training.
Participants were able to gain knowledge on the following:
- Basic gender equality concepts;
- Importance of gender equality for inclusive and sustainable development. Analysis of the Dominican context;
- Sustainable Development Goals Analysis: focalized objective and mainstreaming. Indicators;
- Introduction to mainstreaming gender equality: basic concepts and their incorporation into sustainable development projects.
The training methodology included capacity assessment, case studies, group and interactive exercises, among others.
The 31 participants of the course came from all working areas of the UNDP Dominican Republic Country Office (Management, Sustainable Development, Resource Mobilization, Governance, Environment, Gender, Communication, Operations, etc.) in order to begin a systemized awareness that paves the way to the Country Office receiving the UNDP Gender Equality Seal.