Institution: Institution
Focal Area: Focal AreaLeadership and ParticipationEconomic EmpowermentViolence Against WomenMillenium Development GoalsPeace and SecurityNational Planning and BudgetingOtherكل المختار مطلوب
Type of Institution: حقل قائمة الأوامراختارNGONetworkUN OrganizationUniversity and Research InstituteTraining InstituteGovernmental OrganizationIntergovernmental OrganizationGrantmaking FoundationPrivate sector
Region: حقل قائمة الأوامراختارEuropeAmericasAfricaAsiaAustraliaNone
Country: Country
Description: Description
The Commonwealth Secretariat is the main intergovernmental agency and central institution of the Commonwealth of Nations. A range of capacity development programmes are offered by Commonwealth member countries through the Commonwealth Secretariat in order to provide specialist training. Training is related to areas of national comparative advantage and delivered using resources based in the host country.
La Asociación Civil Comunicación para la Igualdad (Comunicar Igualdad) es una organización de la sociedad civil cuyo objetivo es la promoción de la igualdad de género en la comunicación, en todos los ámbitos en que ésta se desarrolla (periodismo, comunicación institucional -interna y externa-, publicidad, campañas, etc). Las áreas de trabajo la organización son la producción de información con perspectiva de género (reflexiones, debates y noticias); la capacitación en comunicación y género; el análisis y la investigación de medios; y el monitoreo de políticas públicas. Desde el año 2011 dictan el Diploma de Comunicación, Derechos Humanos y Género, un posgrado virtual, y muchas capacitaciones sobre comunicación y género, y sobre género, en forma virtual y presencial, en Argentina y América Latina.
The Crisis Management Centre (CMC) Finland is hub of expertise in civilian crisis management which principally works to train and recruit experts for international civilian crisis management and peace-building missions. It also focuses on conducting research on civilian crisis management.
Defying Gender Roles is a multicultural and multilingual advocacy initiative seeking to openly challenge gender inequality and traditional masculinity by making visible how harmful gender roles and norms impede the full exercise of rights for girls, women, and gender minorities. It is a grassroots group formed by men and women convinced about the need to act purposefully in making visible alternative gender roles and to contribute in deconstructing harmful traditional gender roles attributed to men (and women) in society. In addition to other activities, Defying Gender Roles' founder delivers training on gender equality at learning institutions, workplaces and events.
ENERGIA, an international network on gender and sustainable energy works with a wide variety of (governmental) organisations and institutions to
ensure gender and social inclusion in all projects, and include policy recommendations, (methodology recommendations for) gender audits and capacity building.
The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) is an autonomous body of the European Union, established to contribute to and strengthen the promotion of gender equality, including gender mainstreaming in all EU policies and the resulting national policies, and the fight against discrimination based on sex, as well as to raise EU citizens’ awareness of gender equality. It is a leading global institutional with expertise in research on training for gender equality and the design and delivery of capacity development. EIGE also has a useful online database of gender trainers.
EvalPartners is an innovative partnership that seeks to strengthen national evaluation capacity by enhancing the capacities of civil society organisations in general - and voluntary organisations for professional evaluation (VOPE) in particular - to influence policy makers, public opinion and other key stakeholders so that public policies are based on evidence, and incorporate considerations of equity and effectiveness. The partnership was launched by the UN and the International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation (IOCE) and offers a number of training courses on evaluation, including gender responsive evaluation.
La Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO) es una organización intergubernamental regional autónoma para América Latina y el Caribe, dedicada a la investigación, docencia y difusión de las ciencias sociales. La Facultad ofrece diversos programas, cursos y capacitaciones que tienen como objeto de estudio el enfoque y la perspectiva de género. Actualmente posee seis programas docentes en sus distintas unidades académicas.