Recent engagement I had with communities revealed that traditional gender roles sometimes work in favour of young girls. Parents argued that it assist them to have time with their girls and it keeps them at home safe from unplanned pregnancy.
With traditional gender roles, there are social norms and expected behaviour. That happens in all cultures. No judgment here. I just don't think anybody should be limited to one view of the world, or gender. As life is better when we learn from and help each other out on this journey.
Wonderful insight! Life revolves around personal growth, and no one should ever feel confined. Embracing change is positive. Rather than reinventing the wheel, focus on what works. Above all, let’s honour and respect all genders, norms, and roles.
¡Excelente comentario! La vida se trata de crecimiento individual, y nadie debería sentirse limitado. Aceptar el cambio es positivo. En lugar de reinventar la rueda, enfócate en lo que funciona. Por encima de todo, respetemos y honremos a todos los géneros, normas y roles.
Muchas veces esto se perpetua y las hijas e hijos continúa estos estilos de crianza.