Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Who can take our courses?
    The TC serves government counterparts, the UN system, UN Women staff, civil society organizations, and individuals around the world interested in gender equality.
  2. How much do courses cost?
    Price listings and information on scholarships are available upon request.
  3. How do I find out what courses are being offered?
    Consult the course catalogue and calendar.
  4. How do I join the gender trainer roster?
    Visit UN Women Rosters and register.
  5. Are the courses set programmes or can the Training Centre customize a programme to suit my organization's training needs?
    While some courses are only delivered as open courses, others can be customized to respond to specific learning needs, times and settings of each agency or organization.
  6. How much time do I have to complete a course?
    Each course has a different time estimate. Please check the course description to see time approximation.
  7. Can I do my online training on an iPad or iPhone?
    This depends on the course. Some of our online training is Adobe Flash-based which is not currently supported by either the iPhone, iPad or Android OS devices. It will work, however, on other tablets supporting Adobe Flash.
  8. Who do I contact if I have more questions?
    IT Helpdesk
Last modified: Tuesday, 24 January 2017, 5:43 PM