Enrolment options

I Know Gender 5: Women´s Leadership and Decision Making


Learning Modality:Self-paced

Date: Available online all year

Duration: Approximately 50 minutes.

Language: English, French and Spanish

Tuition fee: Free

Women´s equal participation in decision making is a necessary condition for justice and democracy, as well as for ensuring that women´s interests and points of view are taken into account. This module focuses primarily on women´s political participation, but we will also discuss women´s leadership in the private sector, and other areas such as education, justice systems, civil society, and media.

Approximately 50 minutes.

All UN System staff and others who are interested to learn about gender issues

A Portable Document Format (PDF) viewer and Flash software is needed in order to view the course. Please note that the course will open in a separate pop-up window, therefore please ensure that pop-up blockers are de-activated. The participant will need a set of headphones or speakers as the course includes audio throughout the entire course.

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