Enrolment options

I Know Gender 13: Trade and Gender Equality


Learning Modality:Self-paced

Date: Available online all year

Duration: Approximately 50 minutes.

Language: English, French and Spanish

Tuition fee: Free

Economic policies impact different segments of the population, including men and women, differently; they are not “gender neutral.” Looking at trade and economic policy through a gender lens can help us to identify these differential impacts and to make outcomes more gender-redistributive and equitable.

Approximately 50 minutes.

All UN System staff and others who are interested to learn about gender issues

A Portable Document Format (PDF) viewer and Flash software is needed in order to view the course. Please note that the course will open in a separate pop-up window, therefore please ensure that pop-up blockers are de-activated. The participant will need a set of headphones or speakers as the course includes audio throughout the entire course.

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