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Gestión de proyectos Fondo Fiduciario de la ONU para Eliminar la Violencia contra la Mujer

Women walking through forest

Learning Modality: Self-paced

Date: Available online all year

Duration: Approximately 15 hours

Language: English

Tuition fee: FREE

The purpose of this course is to provide UN Trust Fund partner organizations (grantees) with a clear understanding of their responsibilities related to the management of their UN Trust Fund grant. It contains basic background and reference information useful to the administration of a grant. It also aims to provide grantees with the information and tools needed to successfully manage their grant and ensure compliance with UN Trust Fund and UN Women regulations and requirements.

It is designed primarily for mid- level UN system personnel who wish to be more effective at gearing their leadership towards advancing gender equality. It offers information and skills that will also be useful for career development for all staff, and especially for those who face barriers to their advancement. It may also be of interest to more senior personnel in similar leadership situations. Men and women are equally encouraged to take the course.

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