Biblioteca Virtual del INSTRAW

Bienvenida/o a la BIBLIOTECA VIRTUAL DEL INSTRAW, una colección de alrededor de 600 publicaciones realizadas por el antiguo Instituto Internacional de Investigaciones y Capacitación de las Naciones Unidas para la promoción de la Mujer (UN-INSTRAW), que sirvió como el instituto principal para la investigación, capacitación y gestión del conocimiento para alcanzar la igualdad de género y el empoderamiento de las mujeres. El INSTRAW, en conjunto con DAW, OSAGI y UNIFEM, unieron fuerzas en el 2010 para establecer lo que es actualmente ONU Mujeres.

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El Legado del INSTRAW

Además de la Biblioteca Virtual del INSTRAW, El Centro de Capacitación de ONU Mujeres presenta la publicación “El legado intelectual del INSTRAW para la promoción de los derechos de las mujeres. Memoria Institucional de 1976 a 2010”, que intenta rendir homenaje a la historia del INSTRAW así como a los movimientos de mujeres y gobiernos que le apoyaron.

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INSTRAW's Mandate:
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Year of publication:

Reference: INSTRAW Links: A bulletin for networking. (1986). Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: INSTRAW.
Year: 1986
Description: This liaison bulletin talks about the strengthening of efforts at global networking on women in development issues. Through this forum, INSTRAW records the evolution of its focal point as important centres of information, exchange and action in their respective countries, so that women may become an integral element of the development process. .
INSTRAW's Mandate: Information dissemination
Theme: Networking
Keywords: Focal Points, Institutional strengthening, Information
Geographic Area: Global
Languages: English
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Statistics and Indicators on Women: INSTRAW'S Activities. (1986). Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: INSTRAW.
Year: 1986
Description: This publication presents the legislative mandate of INSTRAW to develop a comprehensive programme on statistics and indicators on women. It gives a chronological list of activities carried out between 1982 and 1986 in collaboration with other United Nations Agencies. It highlights research and training activities using innovative methodologies to obtain reliable and accurate statistics on women, especially in regard to their work.
INSTRAW's Mandate: Information dissemination
Theme: Statistics, indicators and data
Keywords: INSTRAW, Research, Training
Geographic Area: Global
Languages: English
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Training Women in a Changing World. (1986). INSTRAW News, No. 7, 40.
Year: 1986
Description: This issue of INSTRAW News addresses the need to conceive training strategies so that development processes are linked to the advancement of women in society. The topics of this magazine includes women's skills in a changing world, widening gap in education, women as users and producers of statistics, women in development studies, training strategies, multimedia training packages, management of water resources, international division of labor, training women trade unionists, and women's issues in the UN.
INSTRAW's Mandate: Information dissemination
Theme: Training
Keywords: Education, Women in development, Labour
Geographic Area: Global
Languages: English
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Training Women in a Changing World. (1986). INSTRAW News, No. 7, 40.
Year: 1986
Description: This issue of INSTRAW News addresses the need to conceive training strategies so that development processes are linked to the advancement of women in society. The topics of this magazine includes women's skills in a changing world, widening gap in education, women as users and producers of statistics, women in development studies, training strategies, multimedia training packages, management of water resources, international division of labor, training women trade unionists, and women's issues in the UN.
INSTRAW's Mandate: Information dissemination
Theme: Training
Keywords: Education, Women in development, Labour
Geographic Area: Global
Languages: French
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Training Women in a Changing World. (1986). INSTRAW News, No. 7, 40.
Year: 1986
Description: This issue of INSTRAW News addresses the need to conceive training strategies so that development processes are linked to the advancement of women in society. The topics of this magazine includes women's skills in a changing world, widening gap in education, women as users and producers of statistics, women in development studies, training strategies, multimedia training packages, management of water resources, international division of labor, training women trade unionists, and women's issues in the UN.
INSTRAW's Mandate: Information dissemination
Theme: Training
Keywords: Education, Women in development, Labour
Geographic Area: Global
Languages: Spanish
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Tavares, J. (1986). Desarrollando currícula sobre mujer y desarrollo: notas sobre un programa del INSTRAW. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: INSTRAW.
Year: 1986

Este ensayo describe un panorama general de los estudios de la mujer en diferentes regiones del mundo, enfocándose mayormente en la situación de América Latina. Plantea la necesidad de establecer el tema mujer y desarrollo en programas de educación formal e informal, así como de orientar a personas involucradas en el área de planificación acerca de la relación entre mujer y desarrollo

INSTRAW's Mandate: Research
Theme: Development
Keywords: Training, Education, Planning
Geographic Area: Latin America and the Caribbean
Languages: Spanish
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Joekes, S. (1986). Industrialization, Trade and Female Employment in Developing Countries: Experiences of the 1970's and After. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: INSTRAW.
Year: 1986
Description: This study stresses the importance of women's participation in industrialization, as access to wage employment is the precondition, although not the guarrantor, for improving women's position in society. Among the issues covered are the growth of industry in developing countries, the structure of industrial production and female employment, the role of transnational corporations, and market conditions and female employment by sector.
INSTRAW's Mandate: Research
Theme: Economy
Keywords: Industrialization, Transnational corporations , Market conditions
Geographic Area:
Languages: English
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Berio, R. & Molina, I. (1986). El impacto de la política monetaria y financiera en la mujer latinoamericana. Santo Domingo, República Dominicana: INSTRAW.
Year: 1986

Esta investigación estudia el impacto de la situación económica mundial sobre el papel de la mujer en el proceso de desarrollo, haciendo hincapié en la interdependencia entre los niveles internacional y nacional de la economía.Aqui se toma en cuenta la participación y requerimientos de la mujer en el proceso desarrollo

INSTRAW's Mandate: Research
Theme: Economy
Keywords: Macrolevel, Microlevel , Women in development
Geographic Area: Latin America and the Caribbean
Languages: Spanish
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Medición de la Contribución de la Mujer al Desarrollo: Implicaciones de Políticas en República Dominicana. (1996). Santo Domingo, República Dominicana: INSTRAW.
Year: 1986

Esta publicación muestran los hallazgos de la Encuesta Nacional sobre Uso del Tiempo (ENUT-95) en 1995. Se realizó la encuesta como parte de un programa del INSTRAW con la participación de la Oficina Nacional Estadística (ONE) en una muestra probabilística de 1,500 hogares.

INSTRAW's Mandate: Research
Theme: Statistics, indicators and data
Keywords: Time use, Survey , Work
Geographic Area: Latin America and the Caribbean
Languages: Spanish
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Leon, A. & Arriaga, I. (1986). Women in the Informal Sector in Latin America: Methodological Aspects. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: INSTRAW.
Year: 1986
Description: This publication focuses on measurement of women's income and their participation and production in the informal sector. It presents a compendium of studies by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) on women in the informal sector in Latin America which reflect the experiences of researchers and the dificulties in measuring women's work in the informal sector on the basis of available statistical information.
INSTRAW's Mandate: Research
Theme: Statistics, indicators and data
Keywords: Informal sector , Participation , Economic Empowerment
Geographic Area: Latin America and the Caribbean
Languages: English
LinkToFile: PDF FILE