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Course on Gender Mainstreaming Now Available!

17 January 2017

The UN Women Training Centre is proud to announce the availability of the blended course Gender Mainstreaming, which will be held for the first time on 06-31 March (online) and 03-07 April (face-to-face). The objective of this course is to strengthen capacity of UN System, development organizations, governments and other stakeholders to mainstream gender in public policies, programmes and projects and institutions and organizations.

Online Moderated Course on Gender Responsive Budgeting

17 January 2017

Gender-responsive budgeting (GRB) is a concept and a practical approach widely used in developed and developing countries in the last 35 years. It can serve as a tool to achieve the triple objective of promoting development, promoting gender equality and fulfill human rights. UN Women supports efforts to ensure gender-sensitive governance frameworks and to expand their scope, in particular to improve: participation in key planning processes, approaches based on lessons learned and the institutionalization of these in public administration in general. Based on this experience, the UN Women Training Center in coordination with the Leadership and Governance Section, has developed the online moderated course: Gender-Responsive Budgeting Analysis and Strategies: Moving Forward from Theory to Practice.

An Essay Collection on Care Economy: Three Years of Collective and Global Learning About Care

10 January 2017

The Booklet Why we care about care? A collection of essays on Care Economy came about within the framework of the learning activities implemented by the UN Women Training Centre with the objective of developing a body of work on the ‘Care Economy.’ The goal is to develop a more in-depth knowledge of the reality today of care-giving and care-receiving, how it is linked to the inequality between men and women, and how it fits into the current global development model.

Registration Open for Course on Care Economy

6 January 2017

The UN Women Training Centre is pleased to announce the opening of the registration for the course Why We Care about Care: An Online Moderated Course on Care Economy is now open. The course will take place from 22 May to 15 July 2017 (deadline to apply 30 March).

WFP Receives Training on Masculinities and VAW as part of 16 Days Campaign

12 December 2016

For the third consecutive year, the World Food Programme (WFP) offered its personnel a chance to participate in the workshop Understanding Masculinities and Violence against Women and Girls delivered by the UN Women Training Centre. This course aims provides understanding on masculinity and its connection with violence against women and girls (VAW/G), and identify actions to challenge harmful masculine norms and practices as a process to promote gender justice.

Pilot Training on Gender and Economics

6 December 2016

From 28 November – 2 December, UN Women held a pilot training course on Gender and Economics at the ITC-ILO in Turin (Italy. This course was developed in collaboration with the Economic Empowerment Section, the UN Women Training Centre, the Regional Office of Europe and Central Asia, the Regional Office of Asia and the Pacific, and in consultation with the Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office. This course aimed to strengthen knowledge in the area of gender and economics, in order to enhance the work of UN Women in the area of macroeconomics and public policy.

West and Central Africa Regional Training on Mainstreaming Gender in UNDAF in the context of SDGs

5 December 2016

In an effort to better support national governments and other partners to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a gender-responsive manner, UN Women and the West and Central Africa (WCA) Regional Gender Thematic Group (comprised of UN Women, UNFPA, OIM, UNESCO, UNODC and UNICEF Regional Offices) organized a regional training of trainers (ToT) in order to train experts from the UN System to better integrate gender perspectives into UN Country level programming and SDG processes. This first ToT was held from 28 November to 2 December 2016 in Dakar, Senegal with 40 participants from WCA Francophone countries.

Results Based Management Training for UN Women LAC

2 December 2016

From 28 November to 1 December, the UN Women Training Centre facilitated the face-to-face portion of a course on Results Based Management at the Latin America and Caribbean Regional Office (ACRO) in Panama.

Leading for Gender Equality

Pilot Training on Leading for Gender Equality and Women’s Rights

15 November 2016

Transformative leadership has been recognized as a vital key for transformative organizations aiming to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment. Guided by the Fit for Purpose, Right Up Front, and Planet 50:50 initiatives, the UN Women Training Centre has developed the training course Transformative Leadership: Leading for Gender Equality and Women’s Rights. The pilot training for this course was held in Geneva from 9 to 11 November, 2016.