News from the Campus

How to manage gender-responsive evaluation: UN Women professionalization initiative

15 de July de 2015

Managing Gender-Responsive Evaluation

The UN Women professionalization initiative was developed in collaboration between the Independent Evaluation Office (IEO), Human Resources and the Training Centre. The professionalization initiative is a comprehensive, hands-on programme aimed at developing core competencies in managing gender-responsive evaluation for UN Women staff. Created with contributions from UN Women staff located around the world, the initiative is comprised of the UN Women Evaluation Handbook, an eLearning course, and a coaching programme. UN Women seeks to increase capacities of evaluators and national evaluation systems around the world in gender-responsive evaluation, thus all aspects, except the coaching programme, are accessible publicly.

The eLearning course has 9 modules that aim to support those initiating, managing and/or using gender-responsive evaluations by providing direction, advice and tools for every step in the evaluation process: planning, preparation, conduct, reporting, evaluation use and follow up. While this course is open to anyone around the world, the primary audience is UN Women staff, in particular M&E Officers/focal points and other staff that manage evaluations, and the senior management involved in evaluation processes. However, it may also be useful to international development evaluators and professionals, particularly those working on gender equality, women's empow­erment and human rights. The course takes approximately 9 hours to complete. After completing the course participants receive a certificate of completion. We invite you to enroll in the course today!