Finding sustainable solutions is an essential factor of working in the international development field, as reflected in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDG 5 aims to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Gender equality has also been recognized as a key element to achieving other SDGs, and it is therefore emphasized throughout the rest of the goals.

The UN Women Training Centre is proud to announce the availability of Module 2 of I Know Gender: How-To Series, titled Gender Equality in Sustainable Project Management. This module aims to strengthen skills in mainstreaming gender throughout sustainable project management activities in order to ensure tangible and sustainable results.
The module Gender Equality in Project Management, developed in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), is the second module of the I Know Gender: How-To Series, which are developed to ensure gender issues are translated from theory to practice. This module allows participants to do the following:
- Identify key concepts related to gender equality in sustainable project management.
- Recognize specific strategies and actions to mainstream gender considerations in projects throughout the project cycle.
- Make the business case to others about the importance of mainstreaming gender throughout the project cycle.
Addressed to development practitioners, this module is divided into the following sections:
1. Introduction
2. Gender Equality and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals
3.Gender Equality and Sustainable Project Management
4. Gender and Long-term Sustainability
5. The Need to Mainstream Gender into the Project Cycle
6. Mainstreaming Gender During Needs Assessment and Pre-planning
7. Mainstreaming Gender in the Start-up Phase
8. Mainstreaming Gender into Project execution
9. Mainstreaming Gender into MEL
10. Mainstreaming Gender in Project Support Services
11 Lessons Learned
To access this module, visit the I Know Gender course page by clicking here.
I Know Gender: How-To Series is a new series of modules from the I Know Gender online self-paced course designed to ensure knowledge on gender issues is translated from theory to practice.