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Title: Title
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Start date: 12 June 2023 - End date: 7 July 2023
Institution: International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ITC-ILO)
Language: English
Modality: Online
Cost: €915
Deadline: 4 June 2023
This hands-on e-workshop aims to provide participants with practical knowledge and tools for action by exploring key ingredients for a workplace policy on violence and harassment that is aligned with the new ILO instruments, and be guided to use them to design a policy that works for you and your organization. Where do you begin when designing a policy to combat violence and harassment in the workplace? What are the key factors when aiming to align with the principles enshrined in ILO Convention No. 190 and Recommendation No. 206? How do you turn policy into practice: assessing and managing risks, setting up committees, investigating complaints, training staff, supporting victims, analysing data and so on? What are the existing good practices and success stories? This hands-on e-workshop aims to provide participants with practical knowledge and tools for action.
URL: Learn more
Start date: 22 May 2023 - End date: 14 July 2023
Cost: €1,910
Deadline: 14 May 2023
The certification will provide facilitators with a method of organizational analysis for detecting and mapping discrimination at work, analysing accountability, evaluating and monitoring systems and instruments, developing a change-management approach, action planning, and identifying new challenges and possible improvements.
Start date: 15 May 2023 - End date: 26 May 2023
Modality: Blended
Cost: €2,145
Deadline: 5 May 2023
This course aims to build the capacity of constituents to promote gender equality in the various forms of social dialogue. This will contribute to the inclusion of these issues in the social dialogue agenda and to the achievement of agreements aimed at promoting gender equity in the world of work, in keeping with the UN's SDG 5. To this end, we will use new training methodologies, including a toolbox for labour relations that enables participants to intervene in an interactive way and concretely reflect and practice approaches to social dialogue and gender equality.
Start date: 13 March 2023 - End date: 16 April 2023
Institution: UNCTAD
Cost: Free (selected participants)
Deadline: 26 February 2023
To increase awareness of the links between trade and gender among stakeholders in developing and least developed countries, UNCTAD has developed a portfolio of online courses on trade and gender. This edition of the course will be offered in English over a period of five weeks, from 13 March to 16 April 2023. The objective of the course is to provide participants with the knowledge needed to analyse the two-way relationship between trade and gender, and ultimately produce gender-aware policy recommendations. To this end, the course introduces the concepts of trade and gender, and combines theory on the interaction between trade and gender with empirical evidence. The course is open to stakeholders from developing and least developed countries and to a limited number of stakeholders from developed countries. It will be managed and tutored by the Trade, Gender and Development Programme of UNCTAD.
Start date: 21 January 2023 - End date: 21 October 2023
Cost: €1,030
Deadline: 15 January 2023
This course will strengthen participants' understandings of their gender equality context by scanning key international gender equality frameworks and the ILO Decent Work Agenda. Participants will learn to use tools to analyse gender issues in various settings, develop gender planning, and overcome various forms of resistance using proven strategies. The course draws mainly on existing, well-tested ITCILO training packages. Some modules have been developed anew, building on the materials produced and experience gained during in-house training activities.
Start date: 28 November 2022 - End date: 2 December 2022
Modality: Face to face
Cost: €2,450
Deadline: 28 October 2022
For the very first time, in collaboration with ILO Regional office for Asia and the Pacific, the ITC-ILO is taking the Academy outside of Turin, with a specific focus on the Asia-Pacific Region. The Academy offers a forum to learn from high-level experts at the local, regional and international levels, discuss and share experiences with fellow practitioners and experiment with approaches and innovative methodologies to achieve gender equality and diversity inclusion, which are essential to deliver on the 2030 Agenda in Asia and the Pacific.
Start date: 21 November 2022 - End date: 16 December 2022
Cost: €1,100
Deadline: 13 November 2022
This course is designed to meet the different needs of those responsible for ensuring equality of opportunity and non-discrimination, both at the policymaking and workplace levels. Ministries of labour and other ministries and national bodies, and employers' and workers' representative organizations may particularly benefit from this training. The course will explore a range of questions. What is discrimination? How does it occur and what are its underlying causes? Who is particularly affected, and why? What is the legal framework defining the duties and responsibilities of the various players in the labour market? What concrete actions can be taken to ensure that everyone has a fair chance to access a decent job? What practical measures can be adopted to value diversity as an asset, at work and in society as a whole?
Cost: €1,140
Deadline: 6 November 2022
This online training programme will introduce participants to the operating principles and most commonly used strategies and tools for integrating a gender dimension into budgetary processes. Starting with the basics of GRB involving an analysis of the budgeting cycle, the course will discuss how an organization's commitment to gender equality can (and should) be supported by setting budgetary priorities intended to achieve gender equality, diversity and inclusion, as well as effective use of budget funds. The main topics for discussion will be: Why gender matters; Gender-responsive budgets: Principles and definitions; GRB and the budget cycle framework: Key steps and outputs; Tools for GRB: Costing gender equality, diversity and inclusion.
Start date: 14 November 2022 - End date: 2 December 2022
Cost: N/A
Deadline: 7 November 2022
This training course supports practitioners responsible for or with a demonstrated strong interest in policies and programmes related to responsible business conduct and gender equality and women’s economic empowerment. Through a series of webinars, online lectures, interactive exercises, and self-guided eLearning modules, participants will explore international guidance and frameworks in support of gender equality, learn from good practices, and explore practical tools and approaches to advance gender equality and women’s economic empowerment through responsible business conduct.
Start date: 31 October 2022 - End date: 4 December 2022
Institution: CNUCED/UNCTAD
Language: Français
Deadline: 16 octobre 2022
Ce cours s'adresse aux académiciens (universités et centre de recherche), aux décideurs politiques et aux représentants de la société civile dans les pays en développement et en transition impliqués dans la recherche, l'enseignement, la formulation et la mise en œuvre de politiques, le plaidoyer ou les travaux de terrain dans le domaine du commerce et du genre. Les candidats doivent être titulaires d'un master en économie, droit, sciences politiques, relations internationales, étude du genre ou dans une autre discipline apparentée, ainsi qu'une excellente connaissance du français. Grâce au soutien du Cadre intégré amélioré (EIF), les participants sélectionnés seront exemptés de frais d'inscription et de ceux liés aux services pédagogiques en ligne. Les participants pourront choisir de recevoir également gratuitement le matériel du cours sur une clé USB.
URL: Cliquant ici