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Start date: 27 September 2022 - End date: 31 December 2022
Institution: Justice Group
Language: English
Cost: $300
Deadline: 26 September 2022
The course seeks to examine how gendered identities are formed and re-shaped as a result of the development process – and responsive approaches in a variety of historical and cultural contexts. It will equally explore how gender and development relate to other categories of social identity and difference, such as race, ethnicity, economic and social standing, urban or rural life, etc. The course will explore activities such as: gender-awareness and self-awareness for women and men; gender roles and needs; gender-sensitive appraisal (gender-friendly participatory appraisal (PRA)) and planning; gender research methodologies; gender and major global issues such as environment, culture and economic crisis; working with counterparts on gender issues; gender and development; and strategies for change. Further, attempts will be made on strategies to mainstreaming gender in the public sector and civil society organizations.
Contact: applications@justicegroup
URL: Learn more
Start date: 12 September 2022 - End date: 30 September 2022
Institution: CGIAR Gender Platform
Modality: Face to face
Cost: Unknown
Deadline: 30 June 2022
Biophysical scientists will know how to plan, budget, manage and deliver projects that meaningfully incorporate gender focused research in their work. Social scientists will develop the skills and tools to play a more integral role in research projects. Both researchers (biophysical scientists and social scientists) will learn how to effectively work together to enhance their research and its outcomes. This course targets interdisciplinary teams of biophysical and social scientists in national agricultural research institutions (NARIs), the CGIAR system, and other agricultural research for development (A4RD) institutions in South Asia. Makerere University (Uganda) and Cornell University (USA), in partnership with the Generating Evidence and New Directions for Equitable Results (GENDER Platform) arm of One CGIAR, designed this course.
Contact: (CC
Start date: 8 September 2022 - End date: 26 September 2022
Institution: Cynara - CGIAR Gender Platform
Modality: Moderated
Cost: $0-850 (sliding scale)
This live online course is designed to help learners better understand the uneven and inequitable impact that humanitarian and development initiatives can have on the people and communities they intend to serve through an intersectional approach. This interactive, virtual course will build knowledge and skills in intersectional gender analysis at the individual, community and institutional (mezzo), and macro levels. It will equip participants with the tools and guidance to use intersectional gender analysis to advance social justice and social change by promoting structural solutions to systemic inequalities and various forms of oppression that go beyond individual adaptation and resilience.
Start date: 1 September 2022 - End date: 31 December 2025
Institution: International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ITC-ILO)
Modality: Online
Cost: Free
Deadline: N/A
ITCILO teamed up with Cornell University to create a course on disability in the workplace. In this interactive video-based course, employers, experts and persons with disabilities themselves share their latest insights, knowledge and experiences to enable you to identify the competitive advantage of including people with disabilities in your workforce, to create a business case, and to plan, implement and audit your disability inclusion strategy.
Start date: 29 August 2022 - End date: 28 September 2022
Deadline: 25 August 2022
This one month course will equip the participants with the basic concepts of gender, knowledge of and practical skills to gender mainstreaming in Project cycle Management so that they can ensure that gender is incorporated throughout the project cycle stage from formulation to monitoring and evaluation. The course will also introduce participants to gender based analysis frameworks and the participant will leave with a personal action plan for mainstreaming gender in his/her programmes and organization. By the end of the course, the participants should be able to understand why gender is critical for the project cycle management, how to use the tools, and have basic skills in monitoring and assessing impact of projects on women, men, boys, and girls.
Start date: 26 August 2022 - End date: 24 September 2022
Deadline: 24 August 2022
This course is aimed at building the capacity and commitment of participants to undertake programs targeted at eradicating gender-based violence and to develop a new movement for gender equality. The course also features a number of exercises and reflective activities designed to examine the concepts of gender, gender-based violence, sexuality, and rights. It will further explore the impact of gender-based violence on education, health and development. Benefits: The overall purpose of the training programme is to increase participant’s knowledge and understanding of the concept of gender, and gender-based violence, sexuality, and rights. It will further take a look at the various forms of gender-based violence and the core principles for a code of conduct, reporting mechanisms and developing a programmatic response.
Start date: 12 August 2022 - End date: 12 August 2023
Institution: United Nations Development Programme, Environmental Governance Programme, and the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development
The United Nations Development Programme, Environmental Governance Programme, and the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development are pleased to offer a FREE self-paced course on Gender and Mining Governance. This four-module course in English, French, and Spanish compiles research from leading institutions in the industry to build awareness and skills in regards to gender governance in the mining industry. Do you need to make a stronger case for amplifying women’s voices in mining governance? Do you want to become more skilled at evaluating the impact of mining projects on communities, with a particular emphasis on women? Are you looking for recommendations on eliminating gender-based violence in mining operations and mining-affected communities? Are you interested in promoting or increasing investment in gender equality in mining governance, and not sure where to start?
Institution: Women4Climate
This online course aims to empower and inspire women and girls to strengthen their leadership skills in order to deliver green climate initiatives rooted in the principles of inclusion and equity. The course was developed with support from the Fondation L’Oréal and with the participation of academics and experts from Columbia Climate School and CARE. It targets women and girls who are ready to start, or have just started, their climate journey, who would like support to develop key leadership skills and to access a rich base of knowledge on climate action rooted in inclusivity and equity. The material is asynchronous: you can start the course at any time and work through the material at the time that suits you best. This is a four-week course with total time commitment of 9 hours over this period. Additional 3 hours may be required to work through non-mandatory exercises and Personal Development Plan.
Institution: CGIAR, CIFOR, ICRAF and CIAT
This self-paced online course aims to provide a comprehensive overview of gender and social inclusion and to build capacity for various stakeholders engaged in forest landscape restoration work. Developed by gender experts, the course compiles research, case studies and practical recommendations from leading institutions engaged in forest landscape restoration. This is in partnership with CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA), CGIAR GENDER Platform, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), World Agroforestry (ICRAF), the Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT).The course consists of five modules featuring relevant evidence, case studies, tools and good practices developed by FTA and partners, packaged in an accessible and interactive online learning format.
Institution: World Bank
This e-Learning course is for people who design, implement and monitor climate-smart agriculture that focuses on gender equity. Although it refers to World Bank priorities, it is intended for a broader audience. Learn about the reasons why women often lack a political voice in agriculture, from access to land and water, to access to finance and extension, to a say in the decisions by cooperatives and other governance systems.