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Start date: 12 August 2022 - End date: 12 August 2023
Institution: SciDev
Language: English
Modality: Online
Cost: Free
Deadline: N/A
The course is aimed at researchers and students in life and natural sciences. It is self-paced and there is no time limit for completing it.Including gender in your scientific research will maximize your impact and global reach. Understand the why, what and how about gender and research, and how your research informs wider global agendas such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
URL: Learn more
Institution: TechChange
The course is designed for gender advisors, data specialists, and other development professionals. It unpacks complex and practical considerations to understand, use, and share gender data with the ultimate goal of impact. Over 5 weeks, participants will see interviews with gender and data experts. The course looks at best practices, methodologies and tools that will help participants to limit biases, close gender gaps, and incorporate intersectional thinking in each step of the gender data lifecycle. It will explore a range of questions: What does gender data really mean? What frameworks and tools can help make our development efforts better informed by data and more equitable? Unpack how to best understand, use, and share gender data.
Institution: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
This online course aims to train researchers and practitioners on all aspects of the project-level Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index pro-WEAI, from its background to its practical application within a project context. The full course is composed of six modules, beginning with the Foundations module, which must be completed prior to enrolling in other modules.
Start date: 8 August 2022 - End date: 19 August 2022
Institution: CODEV International
Modality: Face to face
Cost: 3600 €
Participants will learn about the background to gender equality and why this is, such an important and challenging issue in modern workplaces including: Gender inequality for companies and for economic performance. The current landscape of female participation in different sectors paying special attention to leadership positions within the corporate, academic, political and non-profit sectors. The root causes of gender inequality in positions of power, leadership and the workplace. Interventions and policies that address the structural barriers that contribute to create a gender gap such as affirmative action, parental leave, and child-care policies. The role of bias and stereotypes in preventing gender diversity and what can be done to manage these effects.
Start date: 23 January 2022 - End date: 25 January 2023
Institution: International Centre for Parliamentary Studies (ICPS)
Cost: Unknown
Deadline: Unknown
This course examines and analyses a broad range of issues, such as the relationship between gender and development, education and health. A strategic approach will be taken, which will enable participants to identify key stakeholders, barriers and planning techniques to address gender inequality in all aspects of governance, business and society. Through practical case studies and discussions with leading practitioners, delegates will develop comprehensive and clear plans to facilitate gender equity within their organization. By the end of the course the delegates will be able to: analyse the impact of gender mainstreaming in development planning; integrate gender equity into strategic planning processes; consider legislative initiatives to improve gender equality and reduce discrimination; and under how to design and implement gender budgeting.
Start date: 15 November 2021 - End date: 10 December 2021
Institution: ITC-ILO
Cost: €1,400
Deadline: 14 November 2021
Cutting-edge topics in the new post-Covid "normal" are presented and discussed in keynote lectures with simultaneous interpretation in English, French and Spanish. The Academy will cover digitalization processes and inclusion, care work and the care economy, work-life integration and telework, key equality and inclusion issues in the workplace, and future perspectives.
URL: Academy on Gender, Inclusion and the Future of Work
Start date: 12 November 2021 - End date: 31 December 2022
Institution: World Bank
Deadline: None
This online course is for people who design, implement and monitor climate-smart agriculture that focuses on gender equity. Although it refers to World Bank priorities, it is intended for a broader audience. As the course is online, you will need access to the internet. You will also need to create an account, with a login and passcode. Learning is self-paced, and takes about 30 hours to complete.
URL: Apply here & learn more
Start date: 21 September 2021 - End date: 30 January 2022
Institution: Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens, CARE Climate & Resilience Academy, Vienna School of International Studies
Deadline: 01 September 2021
The Online Executive Training, "Young Women Leadership on Climate Adaptation" is a virtual educational and capacity building programme that responds to the climate crisis by elevating the leadership of young African women. The 20-week long comprehensive training program is tailored to young African women in influential roles leading and advocating for sustainable solutions, and building resilience to the changing climate, initially in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, and Zimbabwe. The customized training material will leverage their impact as agents of change by building knowledge on solutions to our climate crisis, enhancing leadership skills, and connecting professional networks. The Online Executive Training fuses leadership skills-building seminars with educational modules on climate adaptation and has been designed to be easily replicated and scaled, so that the material can be adapted and re-used, contributing to the sustainability and implementation of climate adaptation action across different local and regional levels.
Start date: 24 August 2021 - End date: 26 August 2021
Deadline: 1 August 2021
As part of EmPower’s work on women’s leadership development, UN Women partnered with ARROW to develop a Training Manual on Gender and Climate Resilience (manual link). Using the materials from this manual, three Trainings of Trainers (ToTs) for representatives of civil society organisations (CSOs) was organised early this year in Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Viet Nam. UN Women now aims to amplify the impact of the capacity building work by organising the ToTs in three more countries: Thailand, Nepal, and The Philippines.
Start date: 22 March 2021 - End date: 9 May 2021
Institution: UNCTAD
Language: Español
Cost: 0
Deadline: 7 March 2021 (7 de marzo de 2021)
Description: El Programa de Comercio, Género y Desarrollo de la UNCTAD organizará una nueva edición del curso en línea sobre comercio y género del 22 de marzo al 9 de mayo de 2021. Este curso se proporcionará únicamente en español. Los participantes del curso tendrán la posibilidad de realizar un módulo opcional centrado en el Mercado Común del Sur MERCOSUR, o en Centroamérica mediante una semana adicional de aprendizaje, del 10 al 16 de mayo de 2021.
El curso está dirigido a formuladores de políticas, académicos y representantes de la sociedad civil en países en desarrollo, involucrados en la formulación e implementación de políticas, investigación, enseñanza y la defensa y promoción en el área de comercio y género. Se alienta especialmente a candidatas calificadas provenientes de países de MERCOSUR y de America Central a que presenten su candidatura para este curso.
URL: Para más información sobre el curso en línea, presione aquí