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Title: Title
Modality: ModalityOnlineModeratedBlendedFace to faceSe requieren todos los seleccionados
Language: Campo de menúSeleccionar...EnglishEspañolFrançais
Start date: 2 de October de 2017 - End date: 4 de December de 2017
Institution: Sistema Integrado de Gestión de Capacitación de ILPES/CEPAL
Language: Español
Modality: Online
Deadline: 10 Septiembre 2017
Lla quinta versión del curso a distancia sobre Políticas Públicas de Cuidado para el Desarrollo tiene como objetivo conocer las políticas públicas relacionadas con el cuidado como instrumentos para la igualdad de género y la valoración del trabajo no remunerado, así como sus implicaciones para desarrollar un enfoque de corresponsabilidad social. Sus objetivos específicos son:
El curso está dirigido principalmente a funcionarios públicos de los mecanismos para adelanto de la mujer (MAM), Institutos de estadística (INE) y otros organismos públicos ministerios de desarrollo social, del trabajo y otros, así como de otras dependencias vinculadas a programas de igualdad de género en organismos estadales/regionales y municipales. También está dirigido a profesionales del sector no gubernamental y universidades.
URL: Registrarse aquí
Start date: 2 de October de 2017 - End date: 6 de October de 2017
Institution: ITC-ILO
Language: English
Modality: Face to face
Cost: EUR 2,180
Deadline: 8 September 2017
This course's objective is to equip participants with skills for conducting impact evaluations, with a special focus on youth employment programmes. This training will combine sessions for discussion on fundamental concepts related to youth and women employment interventions, sessions focused on properties of different techniques for impact evaluation and exercises with a statistical software for applying the techniques to real data. Offered jointly by ITC-ILO and IFAD, this course course on monitoring and evaluation of employment programmes, with a particular focus on interventions targeted at women and rural youth, will be delivered as part of an IFAD-financed project, “Strengthening gender monitoring and evaluation in rural employment in the Near East and North Africa.” Upon completion, it is expected that participants will:
URL: Learn more & register here
Start date: 25 de September de 2017 - End date: 2 de November de 2017
Institution: MDF Netherlands
Modality: Blended
Cost: €3,550
Deadline: 10 October 2017
This blended course targets professionals in the development sector, who know about gender and inclusiveness but would like to make it practical in their projects/programmes, teams and/or organisations. Trainees will learn to systematically analyse differences in interest, power and decision making among different social groups; men and women, girls, boys, youths and elderly persons, able-bodied people and persons with disabilities, and how to capitalise on each group's strengths. The course offers a blended learning trajectory, combining online learning and face-to-face training. The first 4 weeks of the course, starting on September 25, participants learn by distance through the online learning platform. Participants are requested to spend 2-3 hours per week in the online course. The face-to-face part includes 8 days in Ede, the Netherlands.
URL: Register here
Start date: 20 de September de 2017 - End date: 30 de September de 2017
Institution: Women's Human Rights Education Institute (held in Oxford, UK)
Cost: US$ 1,400 (includes on-line learning pre-programme)
Deadline: September 2017
The CEDAW for Change Institute/Training Program aims to provide training participants with an understanding of human rights principles and obligations in the context of the international human rights system, to prepare participants to understand the CEDAW Convention as a living document and to apply its principles practically to support women’s equality and empowerment. This unique educational institute brings feminist perspectives and an activist orientation to the inextricably related issues of peace, human rights and life-sustaining development. It is directed towards women’s organization representatives, human rights defenders, government representatives, researchers, grassroots community leaders, educators, lawyers, and others. The initiative will be held in Oxford, UK, spanning an online programme and a one-week Institute from September 25 – 30, 2017.
Start date: 18 de September de 2017 - End date: 20 de October de 2017
Institution: UN Women Training Centre
Cost: US$1,500 (group discounts available)
Deadline: 14 August 2017
This blended course on Gender Mainstreaming aims to strengthen capacity of UN System, development organisations, governments and other stakeholders to mainstream gender in public policies, programmes and projects and institutions and organizations. It will take place from 18- September – 13 October online and from 16-20 October face-to-face in Bangkok, Thailand.
URL: Read more
Start date: 11 de September de 2017 - End date: 29 de September de 2017
Institution: Institute for Peace & Dialogue (IPD)
Cost: 1000 EUR (10 days without accommodation)/1800-2000 EUR (10 days with accommodation)/3600-4000 EUR (20 days with accommodation)
Deadline: 1 July 2017
The Summer Academy 2017 Program will strengthen the skills of participants in peace building, mediation, conflict resolution, security, intercultural dialogue and human rights. Targeted participants include participants of state organisations, the private sector, INGOs/NGOs, academic/education institutions, religious organisations, independent mediators and others. The dates for the program are:
Participants can take part in one 10 day program, or both programs over the course of 20 days. A 3-Month CAS Research Program is also available (August - November, 2017
Start date: 11 de September de 2017 - End date: 15 de September de 2017
This course aims to strengthen the capacity of participants to understand the principles of international labour standards (ILS) as they relate to company operations (including due diligence related to labour rights) and how these principles can be most effectively implemented in company operations along their supply chains. This course is designed for CSR professionals (in companies, consulting firms or CSR initiatives) seeking to align operations, including supply chains, with ILS principles or dealing on a daily basis with challenges related to respecting workers' rights. Managers of companies supplying to brands which are faced with many, and often conflicting, demands, may find this course particularly useful. In addition, this course might be of interest to trade unions, civil society organizations and government officials dealing with national CSR policies and/or national action plans on business and human rights. At the end of the course, participants will:
URL: Register here & learn more
Start date: 8 de September de 2017 - End date: 7 de October de 2017
Institution: Human Rights & Justice Group
Deadline: 4 September 2017
This course is designed to prompt an exploration of common behaviours and attitudes towards gender differences. It will present facts and figures about the situation of women and men in society and references from key documents that highlight policies formulated to address gender concerns. This e-learning course will:
Start date: 6 de September de 2017 - End date: 21 de November de 2017
Institution: Global Human Rights Education and Training Centre (HREA)
Cost: US$ 725 for participants (after 1 July 2017: US$ 825) / US$ 275 for auditors (US$ 350 after 1 July 2017)
This advanced e-learning course aims to provide participants with comprehensive knowledge of gender mainstreaming and gender analysis. It draws on best practice and case studies from around the world. The course also provides the opportunity to focus on a specific sectors or policy areas (such as, education, sexual exploitation and abuse, organisational development, or human resources) and for participants to employ this knowledge in their own workplace through an action research topic. The first half of the course will focus on lessons learned in gender mainstreaming in various UN agencies, international non-governmental organisations, governments and programmes. In the second half participants will be introduced to specific gender mainstreaming tools, including the use of gender planning frameworks, and several topical areas based on the interest of the participants. Critical analysis of current theory and practice is encouraged throughout..
URL: More information & registration
Start date: 4 de September de 2017 - End date: 8 de September de 2017
Cost: USD 2,500
Deadline: 14 July 2017
This training course aims to strengthen capacity and knowledge of leaders and managers to advance gender equality, women's empowerment, and women's rights agenda within their organizational contexts. It seeks to strengthen leaders' and managers' use of gender-inclusive and transformative leadership principles and practices to address institutional gender biases and promote commitments to gender equality and women's rights. The course will be delivered twice in 2017:
The course will focus on the following modules:
The course is geared to senior managers who work in private and public sector organizations that have a commitment to gender equality. It is designed for those with managerial roles and responsibilities, and/or with functions to provide strategic or visionary guidance to their offices/ organisations.
To learn more about the course, please see the course PDF flyer.
URL: Transformative Leadership for Gender Equality and Women's Rights (Application Form)