Start date: 22 October 2018
End date: 23 November 2018
Institution: UN Women Training Centre and ITC-ILO International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization
Language: English
Modality: Blended
Cost: EUR 2,990
Deadline: 1 October 2018
This blended course, Empowering Gender Focal Points: Agents of Organisational Change will provide Gender Focal Points (GFPs) with an introduction to the UN Gender architecture and explores strategies and tools for identifying and addressing gender equality obstacles within organisations. The training includes an online phase (22 October-16 November) and a week-long face-to-face workshop (19-23 November, ILO Centre, Turin, Italy).
Jointly organized by the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ITC-ILO) and the UN Women Training Centre, the training will analyse gender mainstreaming tools such as the UNCT scorecard, gender markers and the UN System Wide Approach on Gender Equality, alongside its concrete application, as well as build a community of practice within GFPs to foster discussion and sharing of good practices. This training is ideal for GFPs and gender facilitators tasked with supporting and promoting gender mainstreaming in their departments, organisations and agencies. However, it is also open to all staff interested in taking gender issues and inclusiveness in their work.
URL: Apply now