Institution: Institution
Focal Area: Focal AreaLeadership and ParticipationEconomic EmpowermentViolence Against WomenMillenium Development GoalsPeace and SecurityNational Planning and BudgetingOtherAll selected required
Type of Institution: Dropdown listChoose...NGONetworkUN OrganizationUniversity and Research InstituteTraining InstituteGovernmental OrganizationIntergovernmental OrganizationGrantmaking FoundationPrivate sector
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Description: Description
FAO leads international efforts to defeat hunger by working on several key areas: gender training and national capacity building; policy advice, programme and project planning; household resources management, farming systems, food and technology; environment and natural resources management; and data collection, information and gender statistics. FAO's eLearning Centre features a wealth of courses covering varied topics in the areas of food and nutrition security, social and economic development and sustainable management of natural resources.
Flinders University's Gender Consortium (GC) is a group of associates who have expertise and experience in gender training, policy development and research. In Australia, and internationally, Gender Consortium has worked in the areas of gender mainstreaming, gender analysis, gender and development, and gender equity. Gender Consortium's staff and associates have worked in a wide range of countries including Indonesia, China, Vietnam, Mongolia, East Timor, India, Thailand, Papua New Guinea, Samoa and Australia.
Fondo Alquimia proporciona a las organizaciones de la diversidad de mujeres (niñas, mujeres jóvenes, lesbianas, disidentes sexuales, indígenas, migrantes, rurales, pobladoras, personas trans, trabajadoras de casa particular, trabajadoras textiles en su domicilio y trabajadoras sexuales, entre otras) recursos financieros para la implementación de sus planes de trabajo; entrega fortalecimiento de capacidades en sostenibilidad organizacional y de las activistas, derechos humanos y comunicaciones; promueve la articulación entre las organizaciones que apoya y otras organizaciones de mujeres defensoras de derechos humanos.
El FCAM es un fondo de mujeres feminista, que moviliza recursos para grupos, defensoras, organizaciones y movimientos que promueven y defienden los derechos humanos de las mujeres (niñas–adolescentes, jóvenes y adultas), basado en un modelo de colaboración y filantropía feminista, con énfasis en la sostenibilidad física, emocional, económica, política y ambiental.
The Freire Institute is an organization for transformative community-based learning. Its programmes promote participants' knowledge and life experience as the raw material for education. In turn, education is understood as a tool for individual and community empowerment and transformation. The Institute develops tools, approaches and training courses based on the work of Brazilian educator Paulo Freire, whose work has inspired social movements and educational programmes around the world, including critical pedagogies and feminist pedagogies which draw on Freire's work.
In line with UNSCR 1325, the Gender and Mine Action Programme (GMAP) seeks to increase the effectiveness of mine action activities globally through the inclusion of a gender perspective in programming, policy making and implementation. The project provides training, capacity building and technical assistance on gender and mine action to relevant stakeholders and thereby make mine action more effective and inclusive for women, girls, boys and men in affected communities.
Gender at Work offers a range of consulting services to organizations to strengthen their contribution to gender equality and work to advance feminist leadership, including designing training for gender equality courses. The organization works to advance the theoretical foundations on gender equality by engaging with universities and organizations to promote research and offer new courses. Its knowledge resources include conceptual tools and practices to change the deep structures that hold gender inequality in place in organizations and communities. Moreover, the bi-monthly Gender at Work podcast amplifies the voices of global gender activists searching for new ways to understand our work, our institutions and ourselves.
The Gender Centre at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies offers training and produces research on the workings of gender in development and international relations. The Centre serves as a channel for the dissemination of such knowledge in both the anglophone and the francophone worlds. The hub of these activities, Pôle genre et développement, is a clearinghouse of information on gender and development and a training centre in the francophone world. The Gender Centre seeks to advance solutions to gender injustice, discrimination and exclusion drawing on the tools of social science analysis. Its research, training, and outreach activities focus on two thematic areas: the transformations of gender resulting from processes of globalisation, and development and the politics of gender in a globally-connected world.
The Gender Equality Academy (GE Academy) is an Horizon 2020 project funded by the European Union that develops and implements a high-quality capacity-building programme on gender equality in research, innovation and higher education. It strives to increase skills of persons who are implementing measures towards gender equality in their institutions (management, administrators, human resource managers, academic staff etc.), and aims to deepen the expertise of researchers interested in the gender dimension of their work. It also works to develop the skills of gender experts willing to deliver training sessions to research & innovation and higher education communities in Europe and beyond, The mission of the GE Academy is to promote a better understanding of gender equality issues within the research and innovation community.
Gender Links (GL) focuses on "promoting gender equality in and through the media." This work has two facets: research, training and advocacy for achieving greater gender sensitivity and balance within the media and in its editorial content; as well as strategic communication skills for gender activists and women in decision-making to better access and influence media content. Over time, GL's media focus has expanded to include work in the gender and governance field more broadly. GL's work on developing strategic communications campaigns linked to the Sixteen Days of Activism on Gender violence has grown to include initiatives to ensure sustained, year-long campaigns for ending gender violence.