Institution: Institution
Focal Area: Focal AreaLeadership and ParticipationEconomic EmpowermentViolence Against WomenMillenium Development GoalsPeace and SecurityNational Planning and BudgetingOtherSe requieren todos los seleccionados
Type of Institution: Campo de menúSeleccionar...NGONetworkUN OrganizationUniversity and Research InstituteTraining InstituteGovernmental OrganizationIntergovernmental OrganizationGrantmaking FoundationPrivate sector
Region: Campo de menúSeleccionar...EuropeAmericasAfricaAsiaAustraliaNone
Country: Country
Description: Description
El CIEM es un centro de investigación interdisciplinario feminista que coordina, realiza y apoya actividades en la Universidad de Costa Rica, bajo una perspectiva integradora de la docencia, la investigación y la acción social. Su propósito es promover el conocimiento sobre las relaciones de género y la equidad entre mujeres y hombres, el avance de los derechos humanos de las mujeres y el desarrollo de la conciencia social en torno a su situación en el país y en la UCR.
The Development Planning Unit (DPU) of University College London is an international centre specialising in academic teaching, practical training, research and consultancy in the field of urban and regional development, planning, and management. It is concerned with promoting sustainable forms of development, understanding rapid urbanisation and encouraging innovation in the policy, planning and management responses to the economic, social and environmental development of cities and regions - with a focus on both women and men - especially in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
The UN-mandated University for Peace promotes the central importance of education, training and research for building the foundations of peace and progress in the world, while reducing the prejudice and hatred on which violence, conflict and terrorism are based. UPEACE aims "to contribute to the great universal task of educating for peace by engaging in teaching, research, post-graduate training and dissemination of knowledge fundamental to the full development of the human person and societies through the interdisciplinary study of all matters related to peace."
The African Gender Institute's (AGI) mission is to build intellectual capacity and establish an African resource dedicated to strengthening and advancing the work of intellectuals, researchers, policy-makers and practitioners committed to the attainment of gender equity.
The Center for the Education of Women (CEW) advances diversity and inclusion at the University of Michigan by serving as a resource, voice and advocate to empower women and nontraditional students. It provides counseling and educational programmes regarding academic, career and life issues; conducts social research on policy and gender issues; and advocates for improved policy and practice.
The University of Oxford's Refugee Studies Centre (RSC) is the leading multidisciplinary centre for research and teaching on the causes and consequences of forced migration. One of its key focus areas is international cooperation and capacity building, whereby the RSC works alongside academic institutions and networks focusing on issues of forced migration, helping to strengthen their capacity to develop their own research agendas and teaching courses.
The Urgent Action Fund supports women's rights defenders striving to create cultures of justice, equality and peace. It provides rapid response grants that enable strategic interventions, and participates in collaborative alliance-building, advocacy and research.
The Wellbeing Ecology Gender cOmmunity – Innovative Training Network (WEGO-ITN) is supported by the European Union Horizon2020 project. Its purpose is to map out strategies of resilience and sustainability in communities, WEGO-ITN is contributing to the political ecology, feminist studies, human geography, anthropology, and development studies’ understanding of extractivism, commoning, care, communities, livelihoods, embodied subjectivities and resistance to development. It works to build a grounded understanding of feminist political ecology looking how everyday practices of social difference, environmental change and political economies cross scales and shape global processes in the different ESR projects.
WANEP works to strengthen the capacity of peace-building organizations and practitioners in West Africa, increasing awareness on the use of nonviolent strategies in responding to conflict, developing a conflict prevention network, and building the capacity of West African women to participate in peace-building processes at all levels. It does so via a host of strategic programmes at its Secretariat, including the Capacity Building Program (CBP).
The Women Peacemakers Program (WPP) works towards a vision of a world where women and men work together through gender-sensitive active nonviolence, to build communities where people co-exist peacefully. WPP uses gender-sensitive active nonviolence (GSANV) as a lens to analyze conflict, as well as a strategy to address it and promote inclusive peace. It is active on several levels: capacity building; networking and movement building; documentation and dissemination; and joint lobby and advocacy for the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Agenda.