Title: Title
Institution: Institution
Focal Area: Focal AreaLeadership and ParticipationEconomic EmpowermentViolence Against WomenMillenium Development GoalsPeace and SecurityNational Planning and BudgetingOtherكل المختار مطلوب
Type of Material: حقل قائمة الأوامراختارTraining Manual/GuideTool/ResourceReference DocumentHandbookTools for Gender Sensitive Planning and ImplementationTrain the TrainersBriefing PaperDiscussion PaperOther
Year of Publication: أسم الحقل
Description: Description
This manual on gender and economics is intended to provide basic- and intermediate-level training to development practitioners, including governments and policy and programme staff in international development agencies. The overall objective of the course is to strengthen the capacity of technical advisors and programme staff on the importance of gender-responsive economic policy. More specifically, the manual (1) introduces participants to economics in general and presents feminist approaches to macroeconomics, microeconomics and international economics; (2) exposes participants to critical analyses of global and regional economic trends, including those related to economic crises; (3) enhances the skills of participants in formulating gender-responsive economic policy for programme implementation, policymaking, and advocacy; and (4) strengthens the capacity of participants to network with other development practitioners, scholars and policymakers.
This brochure introduces the reader to UN Women's Virtual Skills School initiative, an innovative approach to skills aqcuisition and education in the 21st Century through an open platform with diverse learning paths. The VSS will help women and girls leapfrog ineffective, low-quality or inaccessible educational and skills development opportunities, including by using technology and innovative learning pedagogies. This will enable young women to acquire critical 21st century life and soft skills, including digital skills. Training for teachers and educators on women’s empowerment issues, gender-based social norms and biases will constitute another important element of the Virtual Skills School.
This toolkit is designed to support climate change practitioners in the Pacific islands region to integrate gender into their programmes and projects. It is aimed at climate change professionals working in national governments, non-governmental organizations, regional and international organizations who are involved in managing and implementing climate change programmes. It provides advice at a practical level, to address these needs. It is a first step towards further building capacity in the Pacific islands region to effectively integrate gender in all climate change initiatives.
This collection of papers is a set of resource materials to support improved implementation of the five Women, Peace and Security (WPS) resolutions. It consists of analytical documents explaining gender issues in a number of peace and security areas, both normative and operational, and of guidance material to support operational work. This sourcebook is a set of topic-specific expert contributions intended for use by both newcomers to the subject and specialists and practitioners seeking briefing and training material. It is suitable as background material for training practitioners on aspects of the WPS.
This manual provides reference material on gender budgeting for trainees in local lower governments in Uganda. It aims to acquaint the trainees with the key concepts, processes and tools used in gender budgeting.
This tool explores two dimensions of gender-responsive assessments, monitoring and evaluation (M&E). First, the tool looks at SSR assessment frameworks, monitoring and evaluation strategies, and how to include a gender perspective in the different tools and approaches. Second, the tool discusses gender mainstreaming initiatives in security sector institutions, including how to conduct a gender audit and M&E of gender mainstreaming. The target audience for this tool includes personnel responsible for SSR in security sector institutions, national government and parliament, international/ regional organisations and donors, and civil society organisations. It is also designed for the staff of these organisations that are responsible for gender mainstreaming in the security sector
This Monitoring Guide was developed to outline international best practices and elaborating a set of criteria for how the All-China Women’s Federation (ACWF) and other actors might monitor developments in women’s political participation in China. The guide is part of the “Enhancing Women’s Political Participation in China” programme (2011-2015) with the support of UN Women to: (1) improve laws and policies to create an institutional environment promoting gender equality; (2) enhance women’s influence in government; and (3) strengthen government, women’s groups, and civil society monitoring of Chinese women’s political participation and rights.
This brief exploratory study aims to inform the nascent conversation about the challenges of applying the “innovate, evaluate, scale up” script in one compelling field of recent innovation: community mobilization approaches to address socially and politically sensitive issues, particularly but not exclusively intimate partner violence and violence against women and girls.
This Toolkit enables teachers and administrators to excel as gender responsive educators. It enables schools to become the pride of their communities. It enables students to gain greater skills, knowledge and confidence—for becoming the parents, professionals and leaders of our future. It includes a toolkit and training manual.
SASA! Faith is an initiative in which leaders, members and allies of a religion come together to prevent violence against women and HIV. It involves a process of community mobilization—an approach and corresponding activities that engage everyone in living the faith-based values of justice, peace and dignity. This training manual supports the initiative by presenting easy, step-by-step instructions to conduct training for those engaged in the SASA! Faith process. Just as SASA! Faith is organized into four phases—Start, Awareness, Support and Action—the training manual includes a recommended series of training sessions for each phase. This training is not designed to be a stand-alone intervention, but a skill-building tool for those involved in the wider change process of SASA! Faith.