Title: Title
Institution: Institution
Focal Area: Focal AreaLeadership and ParticipationEconomic EmpowermentViolence Against WomenMillenium Development GoalsPeace and SecurityNational Planning and BudgetingOtherكل المختار مطلوب
Type of Material: حقل قائمة الأوامراختارTraining Manual/GuideTool/ResourceReference DocumentHandbookTools for Gender Sensitive Planning and ImplementationTrain the TrainersBriefing PaperDiscussion PaperOther
Year of Publication: أسم الحقل
Description: Description
This report highlights activities of the “Training Workshop on Leadership, Media and Conflict Management for Women in Afghanistan”, held in Kabul. The workshop was designed to address the challenges of helping women become leaders and finding solutions to the problems of their societies. Held over a five-day period, participants included gender trainers, field workers on health issues and gender equality, nursing administrators and government policy makers. This synopsis of this training initiative includes a description of each discussion topic and a detailed agenda of the workshop.
This manual aims to enable young women to prepare and facilitate training on a host of issues, including young women’s leadership and human rights. This training tool designed by and for young women aims to enable them to catalyse positive change in their lives and communities. It is designed to put young women in control of educating and empowering themselves to take action on key issues that affect their lives. The modules foster self-determined approaches to developing leadership skills and awareness of their strengths and rights.
This toolkit comprises an “Action Kit”, which outlines steps to improve the presence of women in European decision-making. The second section provides in-depth information and clarifies certain myths in relation to parity democracy and quotas. It aims to help women’s rights NGOs and other interested actors to advocate with decision-makers to introduce measures to advance parity in view of the EP elections and the nominations to be made for the EU’s top jobs.
This training module is designed as a guide for UN staff to conduct a two-day introductory gender analysis and gender planning training course for UNDP staff. The training initiative seeks to change perceptions, attitudes and behaviours that have been acquired over a very long period of time in a variety of cultural contexts.
This training handbook is meant to hone women’s leadership skills, with over customized versions adapted in 20 different languages (including English, French, Portuguese, Swahili, Russian, Malay, Turkish, and a range of others). The handbook features a contextual chapter, 12 workshop sessions, and an appendix containing culture-specific scenarios relevant to the cultivation of effective leadership skills. At the heart of each workshop session is a case study on individuals who discovered personal leadership skills that enabled them to address a challenging situation in their community. Meant for use in interactive workshops, the handbook includes "Guidelines for Facilitating" that enable the user to create a stimulating environment that promotes mutual respect, dialogue, and collaboration.
This handbook seeks to enable women and men to advocate effectively on behalf of gender equality and women’s rights in Afghanistan, while seeking to increase accountability for women’s rights. It provides a talking points on four key topics from the perspectives of Islamic law, Afghan statutory law and international law: i) mitigating the gender double standard; ii) reducing harmful marriage-related traditions; iii) eliminating violence against women; and iv) increasing access to education. The handbook is available in Dari, Pashto and English.
These training modules identify good practices that political parties adopt to consistently improve their performance within these three areas. These modules are intended for trainers on internal democracy, transparency and outreach. They aim to help parties examine and improve current organizational practices and institute new practices as needed. While they were developed for Latin American parties, these materials can be applied to parties worldwide.
This handbook is a practical instrument to enable parliamentarians around the world to understand the rights of indigenous women and men, while providing practical ideas for the implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. It also presents good practices in relation to the recognition and exercise of indigenous peoples’ rights in different regions of the world.
This sourcebook aims to provide local governments with the tools to better understand the importance of gender in the decision-making process and to reach better solutions for the communities they serve. It addresses issues of participation in local government, land rights, urban planning, service provision, local government financing, violence against women and local economic development.
This advocacy handbook is part of the effort to raise awareness and advocate for gender and electoral reform within Malaysia. It includes a glossary of key terms, an explanation of why gender and electoral reform is key, a breakdown of women's role in the political process and electoral systems. It also explores gender quotas and electoral systems, as well as a larger picture of electoral reform.