Institution: Save the Children
Type of Material: Tool/Resource
Year of Publication: 2014
Focal Area: Other
This toolkit aims to support Save the Children to put into practice - in programme strategy, planning, design, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, accountability, and learning - the Save the Children Principles for Gender Equality. The document is laid out in four sections. The introduction explains how to use the toolkit, defines key gender equality concepts, describes Save the Children’s approaches for gender sensitive programming and provides lessons learned and best practices for gender mainstreaming. The second section shows why gender mainstreaming is critical to the organization's work and why mainstreaming gender equality into programming yields better results. The third section explores different groups who affect and are affected by gender norms. The fourth section, 'how', provides guidance on gender mainstreaming across the programme cycle and in thematic areas. Additionally, it highlights 4 tools that can be used to conduct gender analysis.
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