(Edited by Ruya Leghari - original submission Sunday, 27 August 2017, 9:20 PM)
NEW BROCHURE OF COP MEMBERS' STORIES: Personal story on training on gender equality
Number of replies: 6
Through the course on gender equality, I have acquired basic and more complex notions about the issue. I think that a collective awareness for gender equality should start from teaching students about its importance in the development of countries ans the world . As a teacher, the training has really prepared me to professionally play that role in my classrooms and outside.As long as the course will be offered,I will continue to take it because it has also permitted me share my views on related topics or directly ask questions to experts. I had no difficulties in learning.

In reply to Nadège Mamas MAVOUNGOU
Re: Personal story on the training on gender equality
de Ruya Leghari -
Thank you very much for sharing your experiences with us Nadege! Would you like to share whether you attended a particular training course on gender (only if you are comfortable sharing this information)
I'm delighted to announce that we have finalised a brochure of CoP members' personal experiences of training for gender equality.
Thank you very much to all the members who submitted their personal stories for sharing their insights with us and enabling us to create a brochure that reflects what training means in practice, and how CoP members around the world have delivered, engaged with and learned from training for gender equality.
I've uploaded the brochure to our CoP Interview Series page as well.
Fantastic! Great work Ruya!
In reply to Ruya Leghari
Re: Personal story on the training on gender equality
That's interesting. Thanks.
In reply to Nadège Mamas MAVOUNGOU
Re: NEW BROCHURE OF COP MEMBERS' STORIES: Personal story on training on gender equality
de hilda awwad hilda -
thank you for sharing your experience and I totally agree with you, the start up should start from school, as if we build and aware the capacities of our students and empower them with the needed skills to be confidence and have the ability to express what is exist inside them , sure we will have a great result regards gender and a future leaders.