Budgets tenant compte des questions de genre
Learning Modality:Moderated
Date: 17 April – 30 June
Duration: 11 weeks
Language: English, French and Spanish
Cost: USD $600
Scholarship: Available based on scholarship policy
This course has two principle aims: the first one is to enhance the analytical and practical skills of Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) practitioners, translating theory into practice by building capacity in the application of GRB analysis and enhancing understanding of the gender dimension in each step in the policy-budget cycle. The second aim of this course is to enhance the necessary skills to identify entry points to introduce GRB and to develop a sustainable strategy.
The course content is organized in 5 modules following the logic of the policymaking process:
- Module 1: Context analysis
- Module 2: Policy analysis
- Module 3: Budget analysis
- Module 4: Monitoring and Evaluation
- Module 5: GRB Strategies
The last module (Module 5) summarizes the main features to consider at the time of designing or implementing a GRB strategy. This module also examines Public Finance Management reforms and the budget process as entry points to introduce GRB.
The course is open to GRB practitioners and all who want to conduct GRB analysis (specially, sectoral analysis or gender analysis of expenditure) and/or to implement a GRB initiative using a practical strategy. The course will be of particular benefit to governmental policymakers and development practitioners, including United Nations staff who are supporting GRB initiatives, researchers, civil society and advocates who are working on gender mainstreaming in different spheres such as public policy, planning and budgeting or who are keen to enhance their knowledge of GRB sectoral analysis and strategies.
Gender Responsive Budgeting Analysis and Strategies: Moving forward from Theory to Practice 1
Learning Modality:Moderated
Date: 17 April – 30 June
Duration: 11 weeks
Language: English, French and Spanish
Cost: USD $600
Scholarship: Available based on scholarship policy
This course has two principle aims: the first one is to enhance the analytical and practical skills of Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) practitioners, translating theory into practice by building capacity in the application of GRB analysis and enhancing understanding of the gender dimension in each step in the policy-budget cycle. The second aim of this course is to enhance the necessary skills to identify entry points to introduce GRB and to develop a sustainable strategy.
The course content is organized in 5 modules following the logic of the policymaking process:
- Module 1: Context analysis
- Module 2: Policy analysis
- Module 3: Budget analysis
- Module 4: Monitoring and Evaluation
- Module 5: GRB Strategies
The last module (Module 5) summarizes the main features to consider at the time of designing or implementing a GRB strategy. This module also examines Public Finance Management reforms and the budget process as entry points to introduce GRB.
The course is open to GRB practitioners and all who want to conduct GRB analysis (specially, sectoral analysis or gender analysis of expenditure) and/or to implement a GRB initiative using a practical strategy. The course will be of particular benefit to governmental policymakers and development practitioners, including United Nations staff who are supporting GRB initiatives, researchers, civil society and advocates who are working on gender mainstreaming in different spheres such as public policy, planning and budgeting or who are keen to enhance their knowledge of GRB sectoral analysis and strategies.
Why We Care about Care: An online moderated course on Care Economy - 2017
This course aims to provide a global perspective on care, care work, and care economy. It will enhance awareness, knowledge and understanding on the critical place care work occupies in development, while simultaneously providing skills and tools for analyzing and identifying types of interventions and policies for a fair and equal social organization of care to advance human development, gender equality and women’s empowerment.
The course contains seven modules:
- Care: Basic concepts
- Identifying care needs and caregiving scenarios
- Current features and changing trends of the social organization of care
- Care as part of the economy
- A critical case of remunerated care: Domestic employment
- Global care chains: Care beyond national borders
- Policy interventions: Towards a right to care and co-responsibility
This course will be moderated by an international expert on care economy, and will include a series of online lectures from international expert speakers.
All who want to gain knowledge and understanding about care, care work, and care economy. The course will be of particular benefit for development practitioners, researchers, policy makers and advocates who are working on economic empowerment, public policy, and gender equality.
Amaia Perez Orozco, PhD in International Economics
Alba Artiaga, PhD in Sociology
¿Por qué nos preocupamos por los cuidados? Curso moderado en línea sobre Economía de los Cuidados 2017
This course aims to provide a global perspective on care, care work, and care economy. It will enhance awareness, knowledge and understanding on the critical place care work occupies in development, while simultaneously providing skills and tools for analyzing and identifying types of interventions and policies for a fair and equal social organization of care to advance human development, gender equality and women’s empowerment.
The course contains seven modules:
- Care: Basic concepts
- Identifying care needs and caregiving scenarios
- Current features and changing trends of the social organization of care
- Care as part of the economy
- A critical case of remunerated care: Domestic employment
- Global care chains: Care beyond national borders
- Policy interventions: Towards a right to care and co-responsibility
This course will be moderated by an international expert on care economy, and will include a series of online lectures from international expert speakers.
All who want to gain knowledge and understanding about care, care work, and care economy. The course will be of particular benefit for development practitioners, researchers, policy makers and advocates who are working on economic empowerment, public policy, and gender equality.
Amaia Perez Orozco, PhD in International Economics
Alba Artiaga, PhD in Sociology
Igualdad de género a nivel local en América Latina y el Caribe: Gobernanza democrática y desarrollo inclusivo
Learning Modality:Moderated
Date: 3 April – 2 June
Duration: 8 weeks
Language: Spanish
Tuition fee: USD $400
Scholarship: Available based on scholarship policy
The course aims to improve participants’ understanding about the importance of human rights and gender equality in democratic local governance and inclusive development. Participants will be able to identify strategies that are adapted for their local context to promote gender equality in local development.
This course is focused on Latin America and the Caribbean. It is composed of four modules:
- Gender equality in Latin America and the Caribbean: Conceptual and normative framework and regional context
- Democratic governance and gender responsive local development
- Policies and gender equality at the local level
- Sustainability of gender responsive policies at the local level
This course will be moderated by a regional expert, and will integrate several didactic elements as: papers, recorded webconferences, forums, exercises, bibliography and webography.
Local authorities and elected women, members of associations of local governments and of elected women at local level, technical staff of local governments and development organizations. This tool can also be of interest for regional and central authorities linked to the local governments, community leaders, members of women's organizations, and UN Staff.
Gender Responsive Budgeting Analysis and Strategies: Moving forward from Theory to Practice
Learning Modality:Moderated
Date: 17 April – 30 June
Duration: 11 weeks
Language: English, French and Spanish
Cost: USD $600
Scholarship: Available based on scholarship policy
This course has two principle aims: the first one is to enhance the analytical and practical skills of Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) practitioners, translating theory into practice by building capacity in the application of GRB analysis and enhancing understanding of the gender dimension in each step in the policy-budget cycle. The second aim of this course is to enhance the necessary skills to identify entry points to introduce GRB and to develop a sustainable strategy.
The course content is organized in 5 modules following the logic of the policymaking process:
- Module 1: Context analysis
- Module 2: Policy analysis
- Module 3: Budget analysis
- Module 4: Monitoring and Evaluation
- Module 5: GRB Strategies
The last module (Module 5) summarizes the main features to consider at the time of designing or implementing a GRB strategy. This module also examines Public Finance Management reforms and the budget process as entry points to introduce GRB.
The course is open to GRB practitioners and all who want to conduct GRB analysis (specially, sectoral analysis or gender analysis of expenditure) and/or to implement a GRB initiative using a practical strategy. The course will be of particular benefit to governmental policymakers and development practitioners, including United Nations staff who are supporting GRB initiatives, researchers, civil society and advocates who are working on gender mainstreaming in different spheres such as public policy, planning and budgeting or who are keen to enhance their knowledge of GRB sectoral analysis and strategies.
Results Based Management: Training of Trainers
Results Based Management: Training of Trainers
Introduction to gender and gender relations in the Caribbean: An Online Training Course for Caribbean Gender Advocates
Background and Purpose
As part of its Mobilization Programme to end gender-based violence in the Eastern Caribbean, The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) and its partners have engaged a number of strategies to challenge the beliefs, practices and arrangements which perpetuate gender-based discrimination at the community, national and regional levels. One specific strategy, in this regard, is the training of Caribbean Gender Advocates who will work alongside UN Women’s Multi Country Office for the Caribbean, government and civil society partners to support strategic interventions toward the elimination of gender-based discrimination and (more specifically) gender-based violence. The purpose of this course is to introduce a group of Caribbean Gender Advocates, many of whom are actively engaged in gender and development work in the region, to key conceptual, theoretical and analytical approaches in gender studies in the Caribbean. These approaches will be applied as participants examine a number of thematic issues in gender studies. This course is intended to enhance the capacity of Caribbean Gender Advocates as they continue/begin to work alongside the aforementioned entities toward eliminating gender-based inequalities and gender-based violence.
Course Description and Themes
This course examines gender as a key organising feature of society with special emphasis on its salience in the Caribbean. Gender will be interrogated as a relation of power; as occurring simultaneously with other axes of power (such as class, race, ethnicity, ability, and nation); as an identity relation (femininity, masculinity, transgender, gender-normative and gender nonconforming); as socially produced; and as an analytical category/tool. In addition, the ways in which gender and sexuality are imbricated personally, socially and politically will be discussed. Participants will apply the conceptual, theoretical and analytical tools of gender, introduced at the start of the course, to address the following themes:
- Caribbean Families
- Media and Popular Culture
- Sexuality, Bodies and LGBTQI Activism in the Caribbean
- Gender-Based Violence
- Christianity, Gender Equality & Gender-Based Violence
- Education
- The State: A Focus on Political Participation, Law and Policies
Through a series of scholarly resources, state produced policies and laws, new and traditional media, fiction and audio-visual aids (for example, films, advertisements, songs and music videos) participants will critically analyse the above themes by applying key concepts and explanations developed in gender studies. The course is intended to enhance the capacity of Caribbean Gender Advocates as they continue to work alongside Caribbean governments, CSOs and UN Women toward the elimination of gender-based inequalities and violence.
Main Objective
The main objective of this course is to introduce and apply key concepts and tools developed in feminist/gender/masculinity/sexuality studies to address gender relations and gender inequalities in Caribbean societies in support of the work of Gender Advocates.
Specific Learning Outcomes/Objectives
By the end of this course participants will be able to:
- Explain key concepts, ideas and tools of feminist/gender/masculinity/sexuality studies
- Apply the concepts, ideas and tools of feminist/gender/masculinity/sexuality studies to Caribbean realities in the areas of the family, media, popular culture, sexuality, gender-based violence, Christianity and the state
- Examine how gender intersects other relations of power/markers of difference in Caribbean societies
- Apply the tools of gender analysis to address gender inequalities and gender-based in support of work with various stakeholder groups and communities in the Caribbean
- Evaluate the state of gender relations in Caribbean societies
- Apply key concepts, analysis and tools in the development of educational and training sessions
This online course requires participatory interactive learning. A series of active learning strategies, including interactive lectures (accompanied by PowerPoint presentations), tutorials, group work, individual presentations and video presentations, will be utilised to achieve the learning outcomes. Participants will also be required to undertake independent research. Lectures will introduce and analyse the literature, provide an understanding of key concepts, and synthesise and conceptualise the reading assignments and other course material. Lectures will be complemented by an online discussion forum, group work, individual presentations and tutorial discussions. Participants should complete the required reading/s before the scheduled class. All assignments should be typed and submitted by the deadline. Attendance is mandatory and will be taken.
Course Assessment
Assignments | Mark |
Oral Presentation (Media Analysis) | 15% |
Class Participation (class & group discussion, & discussion forum) | 15% |
Analytical Assignment | 20% |
Educational Activity/Session | 50% |
Total | 100% |
Pasado: Igualdad de género a nivel local en América Latina y El Caribe: gobernabilidad democrática y desarrollo inclusivo – Septiembre 2016
Modalidad de aprendizaje :Moderado
Duración : 9 Semanas
Idioma : Español
Costo : US $330.00 (posibilidad de beca)
Aplicaciones cerradas
Con el interés de proveer un conocimiento preciso, una perspectiva de intervención y una amplia comprensión de lo que las políticas locales pueden aportar para cambiar estos escenarios, el presente curso introduce a las y los participantes en la identificación de estrategias impulsoras de la igualdad de género idóneas a su contexto local, facilita el desarrollo de habilidades para integrar la igualdad de género como factor esencial de la democracia y el desarrollo local y provee herramientas para el análisis y la definición de políticas e intervenciones que pongan en relación los derechos humanos, la igualdad de género, y las políticas públicas locales.
- Presentación (justificación)
- Objetivos
- Visión General: Objetivos, Actividades, Certificado, Cronograma
- Descripción del Ejercicio La Comunidad Soñada
- Foro de Bienvenida: presentación y expectativas
- Lista de Webconferencias
Unidad 1 . Género e Igualdad: Conceptos
- Conceptos fundamentales sobre las relaciones de Género.
- Conceptos fundamentales sobre la discriminación y la violencia de género.
- Conceptos fundamentales sobre la Igualdad de Género.
Unidad 2. La evolución de los marcos de igualdad dé género
- La evolución de los marcos institucionales de igualdad de género en el mundo: los primeros 50 años y la etapa post Beijing.
- Enfoques: Mujeres en el Desarrollo (MED) y Género en el Desarrollo (GED)
Unidad 3: Pintando la realidad con datos
- Describiendo la realidad con datos sectoriales: educación, participación económica, empleo, participación política, toma de decisiones
- La comunidad soñada.
Unidad 1 – Gobiernos locales y estrategias sensitivas a la igualdad
- Desarrollo local, género y territorios
- Estado, descentralización y género
- Gobernabilidad democrática y género
Unidad 2 – Desarrollo género-sensitivo
- Acción local de las mujeres y transformaciones sociales
- Condición y posición de las mujeres y objetivos de cambio
- Desarrollo género sensitivo desde el gobierno local
Unidad 3 – Estrategias sensitivas a la igualdad a nivel local
- Estrategias de abordaje de la Agenda de desarrollo género sensitivo
- Algunos ejes estratégicos para un desarrollo local género sensitivo
Unidad 1: Institucionalización y transversalización de género a nivel local
- Institucionalización y transversalización de género a nivel local: conceptos clave.
- La transversalización de la perspectiva de género en las políticas públicas. Ejemplos locales de inclusión de género
Unidad 2. Planificación local con enfoque de género e igualdad
- Planificando territorios de igualdad: nociones clave
- Planificación con enfoque de género
- Presupuesto con enfoque de género
Unidad 3. Cambio organizacional para la igualdad
- Ejecución local con enfoque de género
- Monitoreo y evaluación con enfoque de género
- El organigrama de igualdad y buenas prácticas a nivel local
Unidad 1. Empoderamiento para la Igualdad y los Derechos de las Mujeres
- Qué es el empoderamiento y cómo se transforma en igualdad y garantía de derechos para las mujeres.
- Escenarios de cuotas y paridad: normas nacionales y locales en varios países.
- Cuotas y paridad: rol de los gobiernos locales en la representación formal e informal.
Unidad 2. Comunicación democrática e igualdad de género a nivel local.
- Comunicación inclusiva e igualdad de género: conceptos clave
- Canales de sensibilización e información.
- Actoras locales y acceso a TICs: qué pueden y deben hacer los gobiernos locales
Unidad 3: Sostenibilidad de las políticas locales de igualdad
- Sostenibilidad e igualdad: la eficacia del desarrollo
- Pilares sociales para la sostenibilidad en igualdad
- Herramientas técnicas para la sostenibilidad en igualdad
El curso está dirigido a autoridades locales electas mujeres y hombres (alcaldes/as, concejales/as, prefectos/as, gobernadores/as, legisladores/as regionales o provinciales, etc.). También a integrantes de asociaciones de mujeres autoridades locales nacionales o regionales, funcionarias/os y personal técnico de gobiernos locales, integrantes de asociaciones de gobiernos locales nacionales y regionales, personal técnico vinculado a entidades de desarrollo local, lideresas y líderes locales interesados en comprender las políticas públicas de igualdad y realizar acciones de incidencia.
19.09.2016 – 18.11.2016.
Financiado por: