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Looking Within: Understanding Masculinity and Violence agaisnt Women and Girls

Man holding sign

Learning Modality:Customized

Duration: 3 days but can be customized to fit specific needs

Language: English, French and Spanish

Tuition fee: Information upon request

This training workshop aims to support participants to reflect on power imbalance, gender inequality, privilege, and violence against women and girls through analyzing masculinity. Participants will be asked to challenge harmful masculine norms and practices, to critically examine gendered self, and to identify steps one can take to transform to be a more gender equitable man and woman.

The training workshop is divided into the following modules:

  • Gender power relations
  • Masculinity and violence against women and girls
  • Towards personal transformation

The training workshop can be for anyone who works with the UN or works inside UN premises, regardless of background, sex, age, ethnicity or work function. The audience can be non-technical personnel, such as drivers, security personnel and maintenance staff, as well as with programmatic and operations staff members. However, it must be noted that some basic reading and writing literacy competency is required.

The course can also be adapted for non-UN organizations.

For more information about this course, contact: info.trainingcentre@unwomen.org

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