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Focal Area: Focal AreaLeadership and ParticipationEconomic EmpowermentViolence Against WomenMillenium Development GoalsPeace and SecurityNational Planning and BudgetingOtherAll selected required
Type of Material: Dropdown listChoose...Training Manual/GuideTool/ResourceReference DocumentHandbookTools for Gender Sensitive Planning and ImplementationTrain the TrainersBriefing PaperDiscussion PaperOther
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Jhpiego's Gender Service Delivery Standards: Facilitation Guide offers users a manual with which to use the organization's "Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Quality Assurance Tool". The latter offers health care providers, facilities, and programme planners a straightforward way to start, strengthen or expand post-GBV health services through the use of evidence-based standards. The Facilitation Guide offers detailed instructions on how to use this tool to assess the quality of facility’s provision of gender-sensitive, respectful care; offers a glossary of key terms; and guidance on the assessment process and the development of action plans. (The Quality Assurance Tool is also listed in the CoP library).
Jhpiego's Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Quality Assurance Tool offers health care providers, facilities, and programme planners a straightforward way to start, strengthen or expand post-GBV health services through the use of evidence-based standards. The tool assesses the quality of facility’s provision of gender-sensitive, respectful care. It is intended to engage providers in a participatory approach to understand their vision of high quality care, and to apply applicable standards to their country context and facility’s context. Detailed instructions on how to use the tool are available in the "Gender Service Delivery Standards: Facilitation Guide (Health)" (also listed in the CoP library).
UNDP's 12 updated training modules and issue briefs on the gender dimensions of climate change are designed to build capacity in UN member countries with respect to gender and climate change within the context of sustainable development. The resources include a general overview and discussions on adaptation and disaster risk reduction (DRR), agriculture and food security, sustainable energy, climate finance, and REDD+ under the new development and climate change frameworks, such as the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement.
This manual is meant for training programme managers to promote the abandonment of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C). It was designed under a joint programme of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). It reflects the Joint Programme's innovative approach to FGM/C abandonment, using a social norms perspective to guide the selection of an appropriate mix of strategies and activities most conducive to self-sustained social change.
This Diversity Toolkit aims to promote productive discourse around issues of diversity and the role of identity in social relationships, both on a micro (individual) and macro (communal) level. It is directed at teachers, youth group facilitators, student affairs personnel or teams that work with underserved populations. The Toolkit provides historical context about the politics of identity and the dynamics of power and privilege, representing a strong tool to help build greater self-awareness. It outlines a range of participatory activities that can be modified to fit differnt groups' needs.
Engaging Men through Accountable Practice (EMAP) is a one-year primary prevention intervention developed for humanitarian settings, created by the International Rescue Committee for. It provides staff in humanitarian settings with an evidence-based curriculum and field-tested approach for engaging men in transformative individual behaviour change, guided by the voices of women. The EMAP framework, Accountable Practice, provides a method and structure for honouring women’s leadership and developing male engagement in a way that improves, rather than endangers, the lives of women and girls in conflict-affected settings. It consists of three separate manuals: an introductory guide, a training guide and an implementation guide, all available in English and French.
Based on lessons learned from the Partners for Prevention regional project ‘Engaging Young Men through Social Media for the Prevention of Violence against Women’, this publication offers an understanding of how to use social media as a tool to prevent violence against women. It offers recommendations on how to develop a social media strategy, implementation and monitoring and evaluation. The report is aimed at civil society organisations, the UN and other development practitioners.
SASA! is a community mobilization intervention developed in Uganda to prevent VAW and HIV/AIDS. It is an evidenced-based methodology that takes a gender relational approach by working at multiple social levels with a range of stakeholders. The approach moves beyond having a focus only on individual relationships, which has shown to impact the wider community rather than being limited to individual participants. The SASA! website provides various strategy, learning and advocacy resources. There is also a video called “Condom Commandos” that presents soldiers in the Angolan army and women living beside the barracks using the SASA! approach, which can be seen here: https://vimeo.com/13184545.
This curriculum is a capacity development resource to support members of the Regional Learning Community for East and Southeast Asia and other practitioners to challenge and transform patriarchal masculinities, more effectively promote gender equality and human rights and prevent violence. The report consists of eight chapters that present various themes related to masculinities and gender justice and provides learning activities that can be used in workshop settings.
This manual has the aim of providing a safe and constructive space for men, their partners and daughters to critically reflect on the deeply embedded cultural and gender norms that devaluae girls and hinder men’s participation as involved fathers. The manual was developed as part of a collaboration between World Vision and Promundo in response to the harmful norms and practices that underpin child marriage in India.