Title: Title
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Focal Area: Focal AreaLeadership and ParticipationEconomic EmpowermentViolence Against WomenMillenium Development GoalsPeace and SecurityNational Planning and BudgetingOtherAll selected required
Type of Material: Dropdown listChoose...Training Manual/GuideTool/ResourceReference DocumentHandbookTools for Gender Sensitive Planning and ImplementationTrain the TrainersBriefing PaperDiscussion PaperOther
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Using the Beijing review process as its central theme, the report Gender Equality: Twenty Years On explores the key developments and issues in training for gender equality since 1995. The accompanying Interactive Tool and Infographic provide a quick overview of the findings presented in the report. These three tools provide a review how training for gender equality has evolved from the Beijing Platform for Action in 1995 to the present day (Beijing+5, Beijing+10, Beijing+15, and Beijing+20) in the Platform’s critical areas of concern: women and poverty; education and training of women; women and health; violence against women; women and armed conflict; women and the economy; women in power and decision-making; institutional mechanisms for the advancement of women; human rights of women; women and the media; women and the environment; and the girl child.
This publication helps record the past history of UN Women and the worldwide struggle by women for their rights. It provides an essential starting point for a closer look at the achievements of institutions like INSTRAW in improving the status of women and girls. The publication is available in English and Spanish.
This trainer’s manual was created to assist gender mainstreaming efforts within the training community for peacebuilding and is especially geared towards trainers who address personnel working in peace operations. This manual provides trainers with tools for easily mainstreaming gender into training modules in their areas of expertise, focusing on four specific areas of peace operations/peace-building: (i) demobilization, disarmament and de-integration (DDR); (ii) human rights and the rule of law; (iii) negotiation and mediation; and (iv) election monitoring.
This capacity-building package has been designed for policymakers to guide them on how to promote gender equality across all levels of policy and programming in climate change, and to provide them with the necessary tools to do so. As an awareness-raising tool for policymakers on mainstreaming gender in climate change actions, this package aims to: (i) raise awareness of the need to/relevance of mainstreaming gender in climate change actions, including in decision-making at the top level; (ii) encourage policymakers to mainstream gender across institutions and at international, national and local levels; (iii) inform non-gender specialists about the tools and strategies available to ensure that gender sensitivity is meaningfully employed in policy and programme implementation; and, (iv) assist policymakers in identifying concrete entry points for gender sensitivity action and on how to determine which actions are appropriate. The package provides tangible examples taken from UNDP’s work with gender mainstreaming in Bhutan and Cambodia.
The Guide aims at helping the staff of UNIDO’s Trade Capacity Building Branch to apply a gender perspective in their work and, more specifically, throughout the project cycle. The Guide can also be useful for national and local counterparts, agencies, international and private-sector partners, as well as individual experts. The Guide is divided into six chapters and is meant to be read in its entirety. The first two chapters cover the general background of gender concepts and the gender dimensions of trade capacity-building projects, while the remaining chapters provide a step-by step roadmap for gender mainstreaming in the different stages of the project cycle.
This guide is for people who want to train others to facilitate Gender Equity and Diversity (GED) sessions – that is, in a ‘training of facilitators’ format. At the heart of the approach to facilitating learning around GED is the AIKIDO model of awareness, dialogue and action. The aim of the training of facilitators is not to build a cohort of ‘gender and/or diversity experts’, but rather a cohort of skilled facilitators who can provide the space and opportunity for people to become more aware of their own values, beliefs, assumptions and identities; to genuinely dialogue across difference in order to understand the other and then to explore what action might be taken together.
This training module module provides training tools to promote a better understanding of gender within their organization. It aims to build skills of participants in incorporating gender in programming issues and CARE's organizational culture. The idea is to impart knowledge and skills, starting from a basic level and moving on to more complex and thought provoking issues. This module has been designed based on the Indian context and primarily for CARE staff.
This Gender Training and Resource Guide is a tool for empowerment in Namibia. It combines facts, resources and action-orientated exercises designed to understand, challenge and address inequality in all aspects of life in Namibia. Its sections discuss guidelines for training techniques and methodologies, as well as examples of training exercises. It touches on issues of gender mainstreaming; gender, poverty and rural development; gender balance in education and training; gender and reproductive health; gender-based violence; gender and economic empowerment; gender balance in power and decision-making; education and communication; gender and the environment; the girl child; gender and legal affairs; and monitoring and evaluation (M&E).
This training manual is intended to help build greater understanding among UNDP staff and UNDP partners concerning the essential gender dimensions involved in ensuring environmental and energy sustainability. UNDP hopes that this manual will ‘demystify’ gender mainstreaming for environment and energy practitioners. This manual examines environment and energy development projects, policies and decision-making processes from a gender perspective. It aims to: Improve awareness of: gender-specific roles and responsibilities in different societies; gender-related differences in access to and usage of natural resources and energy services; and the different levels of impact that environmental degradation and conservation efforts may have on men and women. Identify gender-specific measures that will: increase the effectiveness and impact of UNDP´s environment and energy projects; benefit both men and women by increasing gender balance through environment and energy projects; and leverage the results of environment and energy projects to serve other development objectives, such as economic development and poverty reduction. Highlight target entry points for mainstreaming gender in UNDP environment and energy activities through advocacy, project and policy development, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation. The manual should be viewed as a tool to promote discussion, insight and critical thinking.
This toolkit by UN Women’s Pacific Regional Ending Violence against Women Facility Fund (Pacific Fund) offers practical, user-friendly materials, tools, resources and advice that aim to help stakeholders design and implement successful projects to end violence against women and girls in the Pacific Region. This Toolkit brings together information, resources and practical activities to help Pacific Islanders apply a gendered analysis to the issue of violence against women. It can be used for new projects or to integrate a gender analysis and human rights based approach to existing projects aiming to end violence against women.