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Focal Area: Focal AreaLeadership and ParticipationEconomic EmpowermentViolence Against WomenMillenium Development GoalsPeace and SecurityNational Planning and BudgetingOtherAll selected required
Type of Material: Dropdown listChoose...Training Manual/GuideTool/ResourceReference DocumentHandbookTools for Gender Sensitive Planning and ImplementationTrain the TrainersBriefing PaperDiscussion PaperOther
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This Gender Issue guide looks at the different ways in which women, men, girls and boys are affected by the conditions of urbanization. For instance, in terms of equal access to employment and shelter, health and education, transport, asset ownership, experiences of urban violence and ability to exercise rights in cities. These gendered dimensions of cities require continual examination if inequalities are to be understood and addressed for equitable and sustainable development. This Research Guide aims to enhance understanding of this human-urban environment interface from a gender perspective.
This SIDA Capacity Development Manual is a tool to assist with the initial analysis, and then the choice of methods and procedures, in capacity development initiatives. It provides definitions, concepts, approaches and principles. The manual also sets up a framework for capacity development analysis and describes SIDA's own ways of working.
The Empowered Entrepreneur Training Handbook provides six days of business skills, empowerment, and leadership training curricula and tools that can be implemented to better support the women entrepreneurs . It is designed to support an organization and its trainers in empowering women micro-entrepreneurs, small enterprise owners, and sales agents who work throughout the value chain in the household energy sector. The document aims to empower women to scale adoption of clean cooking solutions globally, and has applicability throughout the household energy sector.
This toolkit seeks to strengthen understanding of property rights for women and men as equal citizens in Uganda, where this toolkit was piloted, on the understanding that property rights economically empower women by creating opportunities for earning income, securing their place in the community and ensuring their livelihoods. The toolkit addresses what rights women have, how to communicate women’s rights and the issues preventing women from exercising their rights. The overarching goals of the training are to increase knowledge of legal rights to property in Uganda; to recognize women’s and men’s equality before the law; and to enable women and men to exercise and protect their own property rights while respecting others’ rights.
La Guía de Capacitación en “Planificación Pública, Política Fiscal y Presupuestos Sensibles al Género”, tiene el propósito de exponer el marco conceptual y metodológico para aportar a la incorporación del enfoque de género en el proceso de la planificación y el presupuesto público municipal y su vinculación con la política nacional de planificación. El objetivo de la guía es el de dotar a los/as facilitadores/as de un soporte teórico, metodológico e instrumentos para el fortalecimiento de capacidades y generación de compromisos de los/as representantes de organizaciones sociales, autoridades y técnicos/as municipales en la inclusión del enfoque de género en la planificación municipal y su presupuesto.
This training manualbrings together two key issues - gender and disability, aspects that have, for a long time, treated independent of each other by advocates of either gender or disability mainstreaming. Accordingly, this training manual is an instrument for capacity development so that participants use the gained knowledge to promote gender and disability mainstreaming in development processes. It aims to enable government ministries and all other stakeholders to view disability as a developmental and human rights issue which cuts across all sectors.
This training module is designed to provide the information needed for changes both in the practice of individual professionals dealing with survivors of gender based violence as well as institutional changes. These module provide information on selected topics, theory, exercises and handouts as well as powerpoint presentations that can be used for such a training.
This easy-to-follow practical booklet outlines the most important things that service providers can do to better include people with intersectional identities. ‘Including Intersectional Identities’ is a film and booklet resource that explores the intersections of gender identity, sexual orientation, and sex characteristics with disability, ethnicity, and faith. It seeks to encourage service providers to better support the needs of everyone engaging with their services. The guidance includes a self-reflection quiz to help you identify what to do next to advance intersectional inclusion. Related resources are available here.
This toolkit reflect some of the suggestions and discussions that took place during the intersectionality workshops organised by the Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW), including applying an intersectional perspective to policies, services and programs, research and community education. This toolkit is designed to be practical and to be accessible to many non-profit organisations with varying missions and mandates interested in working with an intersectional approach. The toolkit’s resources section outlines further reading on the history and philosophy of intersectionality.
This is a tool for trainers, outlining two workshops that put an anti-oppression framework into practice. The first workshop, Power, Privilege and Identity Politics: An intersectional approach to serving the LGBTQ community, focuses on service providers as the first point of contact between an organization and its service users. The second workshop, Queering Space: A Positive Move For All, examines workspaces and institutions. It challenges participants to ask who gets left behind, or falls through the cracks of our current understanding of service provision and organisational policies and procedures. The document contains guidelines for discussion and debate, as well as training exercises.