Biblioteca Virtual del INSTRAW

Bienvenida/o a la BIBLIOTECA VIRTUAL DEL INSTRAW, una colección de alrededor de 600 publicaciones realizadas por el antiguo Instituto Internacional de Investigaciones y Capacitación de las Naciones Unidas para la promoción de la Mujer (UN-INSTRAW), que sirvió como el instituto principal para la investigación, capacitación y gestión del conocimiento para alcanzar la igualdad de género y el empoderamiento de las mujeres. El INSTRAW, en conjunto con DAW, OSAGI y UNIFEM, unieron fuerzas en el 2010 para establecer lo que es actualmente ONU Mujeres.

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El Legado del INSTRAW

Además de la Biblioteca Virtual del INSTRAW, El Centro de Capacitación de ONU Mujeres presenta la publicación “El legado intelectual del INSTRAW para la promoción de los derechos de las mujeres. Memoria Institucional de 1976 a 2010”, que intenta rendir homenaje a la historia del INSTRAW así como a los movimientos de mujeres y gobiernos que le apoyaron.

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Reference: Interregional Workshop on Testing of Training Modules on Women, Water Supply and Sanitation. (1991). New York, United States: United Nations Publications.
Year: 1991

This report summarizes the interregional workshop held in Banjul, Gambia on 2 to 6 September 1991 promoting the integration of women's needs with participation in sustainable water suppy and sanitation programmes, paying particular attention to training activities and to the management of water resources.The workshop gives a general overview and should be adapted by trainers to the particular requirements and needs of any given country.

INSTRAW's Mandate: Training
Theme: Water supply and sanitation
Keywords: Women's Needs, Training, Management
Geographic Area: Africa
Languages: English
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: The Women in Development Dimension in Evaluation Methodologies. (1992). Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: INSTRAW.
Year: 1992
Description: This report presents summaries of the consultative meeting on the evaluation of methodologies for programmes and projects on women in development. Part I reproduces the report on the Consultative Meeting revised according to the comments and suggestions of participants. Part II includes the updated survey paper on methodological approaches to the integration of women in evaluation within the United Nations system.
INSTRAW's Mandate: Expert group meeting
Theme: Development
Keywords: Evaluation Methodologies, Women in development, United Nations
Geographic Area: Global
Languages: English
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Seminaire national de formation à l'utilisation des statistiques sur le rôle des femmes dans le secteur informel. (1992). Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: INSTRAW.
Year: 1992

Ce document synthétise  les delibérations du séminaire national de formation à la production et à l´utilisation des statistiques sur la place et le ròle des femmes dans le secteur informel, tenu à Ouagadougou ,Burkina Faso du 6 au 10 août 1991. Il s´agissait de parvenir à la mise au point d´approches et de techniques appropriées de collecte et d´analyse de données statisques sur la participation et les conditions de travail des femmes dans le secteur informel en Afrique, dans le but d´aider les responsables dans leurs prises de décisions.

INSTRAW's Mandate: Expert group meeting
Theme: Statistics, indicators and data
Keywords: Informal sector, Work Conditions, Social policy
Geographic Area: Burkina Faso
Languages: French
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Seminaire national de formation a l'utilisation des statistiques sur la place et le rôle des femmes dans le secteur informel. (1992). Santo Domingo, République dominicaine: INSTRAW.
Year: 1992

Ce rapport resume les débats  du séminaire organisé par INSTRAW  en collaboration avec d’ autres institutions à Brazzaville, Congo,  dans le but d’ examiner les interactions entre les domains étroitement liés de la statistique, du secteur informel et des activités économiques des femmes; d’ aviver l ‘intérêt de la collecte et de l’ utilisation des données pertinentes sur  ces questions, de les familiariser aux sources de données disponibles et aux diverses méthodes de collecte et d’analyse des données sur la participation des femmes aux activités informelles et sur leur contribution au produit national, en vue de formuler un projet d’adaptation et d’amelioration du système statistique.

INSTRAW's Mandate: Expert group meeting
Theme: Statistics, indicators and data
Keywords: Informal sector, Contribution to National Product, Economy
Geographic Area: Africa
Languages: French
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Improving Concepts and Methods for Statistics and Indicators on the Situation of Elderly Women. (1992). Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: INSTRAW.
Year: 1992
Description: This booklet provides a brief description of the consultative meeting held in New York by INSTRAW from 28 to 30 May 1991 in collaboration with Statistical Office of the United Nations Secretariat which aimed to pool expertise and experiences in the use of available statistics and data on ageing and to address problems pertinent to the availability, adequacy and reliability of data on elderly women. This also yielded specific recommendations on the approach and techniques which can be used for collecting and analysing statistics relating to elderly women and suggestions for follow-up work at different levels on improving the compilation and analysis of statistics on elderly women.
INSTRAW's Mandate: Expert group meeting
Theme: Statistics, indicators and data
Keywords: Elderly Women, Economic Contribution, Social Contribution
Geographic Area: Global
Languages: English
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: INSTRAW In House. (1992). Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: INSTRAW.
Year: 1992
Description: This brochure examines INSTRAW's activities in the topics of women, environment and sfustainable development; women, water supply and sanitation; women and statistics; women and communication; women and drug abuse; host country; and World ederation of UN Association Meeting in Cyprus.
INSTRAW's Mandate: Information dissemination
Keywords: Activities, Programmes, Projects
Geographic Area: Global
Languages: English
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Women and Management. (1992). INSTRAW News, No. 17, 40.
Year: 1992

This issue of INSTRAW News examines the situation of women in management in such diverse nations as Gambia, Tunisia, Malaysia, Ecuador, Spain, Yugoslavia and the United States, and what governments and corporations are doing to remediate the disparities. It also examines some of the theory behind efforts to increase women's upward mobility, and takes a look at how women fare in the United Nations System, where 35 per cent participation by women in high-level posts is targeted by 1995.

INSTRAW's Mandate: Information dissemination
Theme: Leadership and political participation
Keywords: Economy , Management , Participation
Geographic Area: Global
Languages: English
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Women and Management. (1992). INSTRAW News, No. 17, 40.
Year: 1992

This issue of INSTRAW News examines the situation of women in management in such diverse nations as Gambia, Tunisia, Malaysia, Ecuador, Spain, Yugoslavia and the United States, and what governments and corporations are doing to remediate the disparities. It also examines some of the theory behind efforts to increase women's upward mobility, and takes a look at how women fare in the United Nations System, where 35 per cent participation by women in high-level posts is targeted by 1995.

INSTRAW's Mandate: Information dissemination
Theme: Leadership and political participation
Keywords: Economy , Management , Participation
Geographic Area: Global
Languages: French
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Women and Management. (1992). INSTRAW News, No. 17, 40.
Year: 1992

This issue of INSTRAW News examines the situation of women in management in such diverse nations as Gambia, Tunisia, Malaysia, Ecuador, Spain, Yugoslavia and the United States, and what governments and corporations are doing to remediate the disparities. It also examines some of the theory behind efforts to increase women's upward mobility, and takes a look at how women fare in the United Nations System, where 35 per cent participation by women in high-level posts is targeted by 1995.

INSTRAW's Mandate: Information dissemination
Theme: Leadership and political participation
Keywords: Economy , Management , Participation
Geographic Area: Global
Languages: Spanish
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: The United Nations and Women. (1992). INSTRAW News, No. 18, 60.
Year: 1992
Description: This issue of INSTRAW News looks at the work of the United Nations for women, gives an overview of some of what has been accomplished and hasn't and looks ahead at major issues and plans for the Women's Conference in 1995 in Beijing.
INSTRAW's Mandate: Information dissemination
Theme: United Nations
Keywords: Advancement of women , Development, Planning
Geographic Area: Global
Languages: English
LinkToFile: PDF FILE