Biblioteca Virtual del INSTRAW

Bienvenida/o a la BIBLIOTECA VIRTUAL DEL INSTRAW, una colección de alrededor de 600 publicaciones realizadas por el antiguo Instituto Internacional de Investigaciones y Capacitación de las Naciones Unidas para la promoción de la Mujer (UN-INSTRAW), que sirvió como el instituto principal para la investigación, capacitación y gestión del conocimiento para alcanzar la igualdad de género y el empoderamiento de las mujeres. El INSTRAW, en conjunto con DAW, OSAGI y UNIFEM, unieron fuerzas en el 2010 para establecer lo que es actualmente ONU Mujeres.

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El Legado del INSTRAW

Además de la Biblioteca Virtual del INSTRAW, El Centro de Capacitación de ONU Mujeres presenta la publicación “El legado intelectual del INSTRAW para la promoción de los derechos de las mujeres. Memoria Institucional de 1976 a 2010”, que intenta rendir homenaje a la historia del INSTRAW así como a los movimientos de mujeres y gobiernos que le apoyaron.

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Reference: Communications for Development. (1987). INSTRAW News, No. 8, 40.
Year: 1987
Description: This issue of INSTRAW News explores the relevance of communications technologies for development purposes as they relate to women in developing countries. It also explores topics such as women and the world economy, INSTRAW meetings in Santo Domingo, new communication technologies, portable libraries, national income and women's works, African women in the informal sector, income-generating projects, women farmers and rewards, and the international women's days.
INSTRAW's Mandate: Information dissemination
Theme: Technology and Communication
Keywords: Information , Media, Development
Geographic Area: Global
Languages: English
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Communications for Development. (1987). INSTRAW News, No. 8, 40.
Year: 1987
Description: This issue of INSTRAW News explores the relevance of communications technologies for development purposes as they relate to women in developing countries. It also explores topics such as women and the world economy, INSTRAW meetings in Santo Domingo, new communication technologies, portable libraries, national income and women's works, African women in the informal sector, income-generating projects, women farmers and rewards, and the international women's days.
INSTRAW's Mandate: Information dissemination
Theme: Technology and Communication
Keywords: Information , Media, Development
Geographic Area: Global
Languages: French
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Las Naciones Unidas y la promoción de la mujer 1945-1985. (1987). Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: INSTRAW.
Year: 1987

Este informe describe sucintamente el trabajo desarrollado por las Naciones Unidas durante los años 1945 hasta 1985 en la consecusión de la igualdad de la mujer en todos los aspectos, teniendo en cuenta su condición humana y el respeto a su dignidad como persona.

INSTRAW's Mandate: Information dissemination
Theme: United Nations
Keywords: Development, Equity, Advancement of women
Geographic Area: Global
Languages: English
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Zimet, J. (1997). Analysis of Food Insecurity and Women's Roles in the African Region.Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: INSTRAW.
Year: 1987
Description: This research study addresses how food insecurity plagues the African region and women's role in eradicating long-term hunger. It also addresses the two main causes of food insecurity which are natural and man-made disasters. The study reviews some strategies and recommendations that can and should be implemented at the rural and national levels to help end the hunger crisis.
INSTRAW's Mandate: Research
Theme: Development
Keywords: Food security, Agriculture, Food production
Geographic Area: Africa
Languages: English
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Ahooja?Patel, K. (1987). Women's Advances in the UN Decade: Looking Back with Hope. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: INSTRAW.
Year: 1987
Description: This paper attempts to analyse retrospectively social and economic issues which have changed or altered the status of women worldwide. It focus on such issues as the lack of diversification in training and employement, the incompatibility of women's productive roles and women's participation in trade unions. The paper also analyses the meaning of work for women and deals with discrimination, unequal economic rewards and maternity protection.
INSTRAW's Mandate: Research
Theme: Development
Keywords: Advancement of women , Productive role, Discrimination
Geographic Area: Global
Languages: English
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Qadir, S. (1987). International Development Strategies and Women's Issues (1980-1986). Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: INSTRAW.
Year: 1987
Description: This study reviews the evolution of development strategies, in particular the International Development Strategies, and how they have changed to include women. After a general review of the international dimension, development plans from selected countries ( Bengladesh, China,India, Jordan, Keyna, Morocco, Philippines, Rwanda etc.) are discussed. The study analyzes the inclusion of women viewed through the various sectors such as agriculture, industry and trade.
INSTRAW's Mandate: Research
Theme: Development
Keywords: Agriculture, Industry , Trade
Geographic Area: Global
Languages: English
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Joekes, S. (1987). Women in the World Economy. Oxford University Press, 1989
Year: 1987
Description: This study analyses the impact of long-term trends in the world economy in the developing countries. It stresses the interlinkages between macro and micro levels of the economy. It approaches the subject from two perspectives: the position of women engaged in the category of gainful employment and the role of women in unpaid labour, including household work, farm work on their own land, and other activities where women are in the position of managing resources.
INSTRAW's Mandate: Research
Theme: Economy
Keywords: World Economy, Microlevel , Macrolevel
Geographic Area: Global
Languages: English
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Joekes, S. (1987). Women in the World Economy. Tokyo Shoseki Co., 1987.
Year: 1987
Description: This study analyses the impact of long-term trends in the world economy in the developing countries. It stresses the interlinkages between macro and micro levels of the economy. It approaches the subject from two perspectives: the position of women engaged in the category of gainful employment and the role of women in unpaid labour, including household work, farm work on their own land, and other activities where women are in the position of managing resources.
INSTRAW's Mandate: Research
Theme: Economy
Keywords: World Economy, Microlevel , Macrolevel
Geographic Area: Global
Languages: Japanese
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: Joekes, S. (1987). La mujer y la economía mundial. Mexico City, Mexico: Siglo Veintiuno Editores, SA de CV.
Year: 1987

Está publicación analiza el impacto de las tendencias de largo plazo en la economía mundial en los países en vías de desarrollo. Se enfatiza las interconexiones ente nos niveles macro y micro de la economía. Se acerca el tema desde dos perspectivas: la posición de la mujer involucrada en la categoría del empleo formal y el rol de la mujer en el trabajo no renumerado, incluyendo el trabajo doméstico, el trabajo agricultural en sus propias tierras y otras actividades donde la mujer se halla en la posición de gestionar los recursos.

INSTRAW's Mandate: Research
Theme: Economy
Keywords: World Economy, Microlevel , Macrolevel
Geographic Area: Global
Languages: Spanish
LinkToFile: PDF FILE

Reference: National Training Workshop on Statistics and Indicators on Women and Development. (1987). Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: INSTRAW.
Year: 1987
Description: This report summarizes the deliberations of the workshop organized by the government of Pakistan, Cabinet Secretariat Womens Division, the Federal Bureau of Statistics, the Statistics Division and INSTRAW in collaboration with UNSO, held in Islamabad from 2 to 6 November, 1986. It focuses on: the promotion of data on women and development, identification of data needs, development and promotion of statistical indicators on women and development, and methodological and policy issues in the development of statistical indicators.
INSTRAW's Mandate: Training
Theme: Statistics, indicators and data
Keywords: Development, Planning, Policy
Geographic Area: Asia
Languages: English
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